South Dakota Coyotes
Interlock initials “SD” in white with a black drop shadow on a red, black, and white paw.
Coyotes Alternate Logo
The South Dakota Coyotes have a long and proud history of athletic excellence, and their logos are just as iconic. The university's alternate logo has gone through several iterations over the years, each capturing the school's spirit in a unique way. In this blog post, we'll look back at some of those designs to see how they've evolved since being introduced in 1990.
Designer David Riddell created the original design for team apparel, such as T-shirts and hats. It featured an image of a Coyote with its head turned to face forward while standing atop two mountains with "South Dakota" written across its chest area in bold white lettering. This version was used until 1998, when it underwent slight changes, including adding more detail to the mountain range behind it and changing "South Dakota" into "USD."
In 2002, another redesign saw further changes made, including replacing “USD” with “Coyotes” along with updating other elements like color palette (from red/black/white to blue/green). This logo also emphasized creating an abstract shape rather than having any literal representation—something which continues today but is much improved upon from what it initially looked like before this update occurred! Additionally, around the 2004–2005 time frame, there were minor tweaks done, mainly consisting of small details such as adding fur texture or changing up font style used for words, etcetera, so overall, not significant overhauls but still substantial enough additions that were were helped make the current iteration stand out even better than previous ones did!
Finally, after nearly 20 years since its initial introduction, South Dakotas Coyotes unveiled a brand new alternate logo during the 2017 season, which features a modernized version of the same coyote character seen before, only now he looks a bit sleeker thanks to additional sleek lines and gives a sharper edge look Plus his colors shifted slightly giving him brighter appearance against the dark background making him pop even more than ever before thus completing evolution journey started all way back 1990 when first debuted sports fans everywhere can rest assured knowing their beloved mascot will continue to represent them well into future no matter what form may take next time round!
South Dakota Coyotes
2012 - Present
Interlocking initials "SD" in red with black drop shadow above a arched wordmark "SOUTH DAKOTA" in red with white and black trim above "COYOTES" in black.
South Dakota Coyotes
2012 - Present
Front-facing full-bodied coyote in gray with red eyes standing on top of a arched wordmark "SOUTH DAKOTA" in red with white and black trim.
South Dakota Coyotes
2012 - Present
An arched wordmark "SOUTH DAKOTA" in red with white and black trim above front-facing full-bodied coyote in gray with red eyes standing on top of a reverse arched wordmark "COYOTES" in red with white and black trim.
South Dakota Coyotes
2012 - Present
Front-facing full-bodied coyote in gray with red eyes between a arched wordmark "SOUTH DAKOTA" in red with white and black trim.
South Dakota Coyotes
2011 - Present
Interlocking initials "SD" in red with a black drop shadow.
South Dakota Coyotes
2004 - Present
Front-facing full-bodied coyote in gray with red eyes.
South Dakota Coyotes
2004 - 2012
A red with black trim letter "U" next to a white dot in front of a grey with black highlighted coyotes' paw.
South Dakota Coyotes
2004 - 2012
A red with black trim letter "U" next to a white dot in front of a white with black highlighted coyotes' paw.
South Dakota Coyotes
2004 - 2012
A coyote's head in grey, white and black above a red with black trim letter "U" next to a wordmark "SOUTH DAKOTA" in white with black trim and "COYOTES" in white on a red with black trim arched background.
South Dakota Coyotes
2004 - 2012
A side view of a howling coyote in grey, white and black above a red with black trim letter "U" next to a wordmark "SOUTH DAKOTA" in white with black trim and "COYOTES" in white on a red with black trim arched background.
South Dakota Coyotes
2004 - 2012
A side view of a growling coyote in grey, white and black above a red with black trim letter "U" next to a wordmark "SOUTH DAKOTA" in white with black trim and "COYOTES" in white on a red with black trim arched background.
South Dakota Coyotes
2004 - 2012
A red with black highlighted coyotes' paw.