Duke Blue Devils
A blue letter “D” in a custom font. The letter “D” represents the school name Duke.
Blue Devils Alternate Logo
The Duke Blue Devils have a long and storied history of alternate logos, stretching back to the early days of the school's athletic program. The first logo was introduced in 1934 when Duke adopted its iconic "Blue Devil" mascot. This logo featured a blue devil with horns and wings, wearing an old-style football helmet. For decades afterward, this classic design remained largely unchanged until it was replaced by a more modern version in 1998.
In 2008, Duke unveiled yet another new look for their beloved mascot: A sleek silhouette of the Blue Devil himself with his trademark horns and wings spread wide across his body like an eagle ready to take flight. This updated design has become one of the most recognizable symbols associated with Duke Athletics and college sports in general, thanks to its frequent appearances on team apparel throughout campus stores nationwide.
Today’s modern iteration features slight modifications such as subtle color changes or minor alterations that make it unique from earlier versions while still maintaining enough similarity so fans can easily recognize which team they are supporting at any given time, thus ensuring that no matter what form he takes – be it traditional or contemporary –the Blue Devil will always remain synonymous with excellence within collegiate athletics!
Duke Blue Devils
2001 - Present
A Blue Devil carrying a pitch fork and wearing a cape.
Former Secondary logo from 1971 - 1977.

Duke Blue Devils
2001 - Present
A Blue Devil holding a pitch fork and wearing a cape surrounded by a blue flame.

Duke Blue Devils
1992 - Present
Wordmark "Duke" in a custom font with a pitch fork and a blue devil's tail in blue.

Duke Blue Devils
1992 - Present
Stylist letter "D" with a pitch fork and a blue devil's tail above a wordmark "DUKE" in blue.

Duke Blue Devils
1978 - Present
Olde English letter "D" in blue. The letter "D" represents the school name Duke.

Duke Blue Devils
1978 - Present
Olde English wordmark "Duke" above the coat of arms from the school all in blue.

Duke Blue Devils
1981 - Present
Side view of a Blue Devil.

Duke Blue Devils
1981 - Present
A blue letter "D" in a custom font with a side view of a Blue Devil on top of the letter. The letter "D" represents the school name Duke.

Duke Blue Devils
1971 - 1977
A Blue Devil carrying a pitch fork and wearing a cape.

Duke Blue Devils
1963 - 1970
A laughing Blue Devils with horns. A double wordmark "DU" on top with the Blue Devil and "BLUE DEVILS" in blue.

Duke Blue Devils
1971 - 1977
A Blue Devil holding a pitch fork and wearing a cape surrounded by a blue flame.