Southern Indiana Screaming Eagles
A right-facing eagle’s head is red, white, and blue below, with the wordmark “SOUTHERN INDIANA” in white on a blue background and “SCREAMING EAGLES” in white on a red banner.
Screaming Eagles Alternate Logo
Southern Indiana Screaming Eagles' alternate logo history in NCAA is a fascinating story. The team has had several logos over the years, each with its own unique look and feel. From the classic eagle head to more modern designs, these logos have been used to represent Southern Indiana's athletic teams for decades.
The original Southern Indiana Screaming Eagle logo was designed in 1975 by artist John Lassiter and featured an eagle head surrounded by a shield with five stars on it representing each of the school’s then-five sports programs (baseball, basketball, football, soccer, and softball). This design would remain unchanged until 1997 when a new version featuring an updated shield was created as part of their switch from Division II athletics to Division I-AA (now FCS) competition.
In 2004 another redesign took place which saw the return of Lassiter’s original design but this time without any stars or shields surrounding it; just an eagle head looking outwards towards onlookers – much like how eagles are known for doing! This version would be used up until 2016 when yet another update occurred featuring two different versions: one being very similar to that same 2004 iteration while also introducing some subtle changes such as adding feathers around its neck area plus giving off more vibrant colors throughout its entire body structure; while there is also second variation which features only one eye instead of two due mainly because this particular artwork style originated from Native American artistry where animals were often depicted having singular eyes instead of two separate ones like humans do naturally!
Finally, we come full circle back again into 2021 where most recently we see yet another change taking place within their primary mark – swapping out those vibrant colors seen before now replaced with shades grey/black alongside white accents here & there too all coming together nicely create what might possibly become even more iconic than ever before! So whether you're a fan old or new alike everyone can appreciate how far they've come since first starting off nearly 50 years ago now making sure that no matter who comes next after them will always remember exactly what made them so special during those times past leading us right up till today's current day era too - showing us just how powerful symbols truly can be no matter shape size color etcetera...
Southern Indiana Screaming Eagles
2014 - Present
A right-facing eagle's head is red, white, and blue below, initials "USI" in white on a blue background.

Southern Indiana Screaming Eagles
2014 - Present
A right-facing eagle's head is red, white, and blue.

Southern Indiana Screaming Eagles
2014 - Present
Arched initials "USI" in white on a blue background with a silver trim.

Southern Indiana Screaming Eagles
2014 - Present
Diagonal and stacked initials "USI" in white on a blue background with silver trim.

Southern Indiana Screaming Eagles
2002 - 2014
A left-facing Eagle in blue with white highlights and a red outline.