Virginia Commonwealth Rams
Initials “VCU” in white on a black formed background on a yellow formed background. One ram’s horn curling out of the letter “V.”
Rams Alternate Logo
The Virginia Commonwealth Rams have a long and storied history of alternate logos, with each iteration representing an important moment in the university's past. The earliest known logo dates back to 1977 when VCU officially adopted its mascot, Rodney the Ram. This original design featured a ram head with horns facing forward and two stars on either side of it – both elements that remain part of the current logo today.
In 1993, VCU unveiled an updated version that saw Rodney’s face take center stage while also introducing bolder colors such as black and gold to represent strength and power. This new look was carried over into subsequent years until 2001 when another update gave us our first glimpse at what would eventually become one of the school’s most iconic symbols: A large “V” flanked by two smaller ones above it creating a shield shape around them all – this is now referred to as “VCU Strong".
Since then there have been several other variations including one featuring just Rodney's head surrounded by flames or even sporting sunglasses! However, none have been able to match up against "VCU Strong" in terms of popularity among fans - making it easily recognizable across campus or wherever you might find yourself cheering on your beloved Rams!
Overall these various designs highlight how much pride Virginia Commonwealth University has for its athletics program - from its humble beginnings all those years ago right through today where they continue striving for excellence both academically & athletically alike!
Virginia Commonwealth Rams
2014 - Present
A yellow and black shield with a side view of a black and white ram's head next to initials "VCU" in white and "RAMS" in black on a yellow background.

Virginia Commonwealth Rams
2014 - Present
A yellow and black shield with a side view of a black and white ram's head next to initials "VCU" in white.

Virginia Commonwealth Rams
2014 - Present
Side view of a black and white with yellow trim full body ram leaping. Diagonal initials "VCU" in white.

Virginia Commonwealth Rams
2014 - Present
Initials "VCU" in white on a black formed background on a yellow formed background. One ram's horn curling out of the letter "V." Wordmark "RAMS" in black on yellow background.

Virginia Commonwealth Rams
2014 - Present
Diagonal initials "VCU" in white on a black formed background on a yellow formed background.

Virginia Commonwealth Rams
2014 - Present
A yellow and black shield with a side view of a black and white ram's head.

Virginia Commonwealth Rams
2014 - Present
Side view of a black and white with yellow trim full body ram leaping.

Virginia Commonwealth Rams
2003 - 2014
Interlock the initials "VC with the letter "V" in black and the letter "C" in gold.

Virginia Commonwealth Rams
2003 - 2014
Interlock initials "VC with the letter "V" in black and the letter "C" in gold with black trim.

Virginia Commonwealth Rams
1983 - 2003
Interlocked initials "VC" in black.