UAB Blazers
Fire breathing dragon in green, black, white, red, and yellow.
Blazers Alternate Logo
The University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) is known for its rich athletics history, and the Blazers have a long line of iconic logos that symbolize their commitment to excellence. From the classic “Blaze” logo to more recent designs, UAB has embraced a variety of looks over the years. Let's take a look back at some of UAB's alternate logos throughout history!
One example is from 1998 when UAB unveiled an updated version of its original logo featuring an abstract design with bright colors and bold lines. This unique design was used on uniforms, merchandise, and other promotional materials during this period in time. The primary components were two interlocking circles with one being red while the other was blue - representing both school spirit as well as unity between students and alumni alike!
In 2002, another update came in which they introduced a new "B" shaped like flames that incorporated elements from both previous versions into it - creating something completely fresh yet still recognizable to fans everywhere! This particular design also featured brighter shades than before making it stand out even more amongst competitors. It remained popular until 2008 when they decided once again to switch up things; this time returning to basics by using just one single circle containing all three colors found within earlier iterations: red white & blue along with 'U' 'A' & 'B' lettering inside too make sure everyone knew who these guys represented no matter where you saw them playing or cheering on game day(s).
In 2010, yet another redesign took place which included adding additional detail such as stars around the perimeter plus changing the color scheme slightly so now we had gold instead yellowish-orange hue previously seen before then finally 2014 marked the last major change thus far featuring a modernized version same basic shape but much cleaner lines giving off sleek futuristic vibe perfect for any situation whether sports-related events marketing campaigns, etc... All these various incarnations show how dedicated university been staying true themselves while embracing evolution culture over past few decades – here’s hoping there many more come future generations enjoy looking back upon fondly too someday soon enough!
UAB Blazers
2015 - Present
The letter "B" in green with gold outline.

UAB Blazers
2015 - 2017
Fire breathing dragon in green, black, white, red and yellow on a yellow with red trim shield and wordmark "UAB BLAZERS" above on a black shield.
Former primary logo.

UAB Blazers
2009 - 2015
Full body dragon breathing fire and wrapped around wordmark "BLAZERS" in yellow with white trim and flames on each letter and "UAB" in white.
Former primary logo.

UAB Blazers
2009 - 2015
Fire breathing dragon in green, black, white, red and yellow.

UAB Blazers
2009 - 2015
Full body dragon breathing fire and wrapped around wordmark "UAB" in yellow with white trim and flames on each letter and "BLAZERS" in white.

UAB Blazers
2003 - 2015
A full body green, black yellow and red dragon breathing fire.
Shade of green was changed.

UAB Blazers
2003 - 2009
Fire breathing dragon in green, black, white, red and yellow on a yellow with red trim shield and wordmark "UAB BLAZERS" above on a black shield.
The shade of green was changed.

UAB Blazers
2003 - 2009
Fire breathing dragon in green, black, white, red, and yellow.
The shade of green was changed.

UAB Blazers
2003 - 2009
Initials "UAB" in old gold with white trim with red fire flames on each letter and wordmark "BLAZERS" in white on a black banner with a green, black and red dragon all on a white, red and black shield.
The shade of green has changed.

UAB Blazers
2003 - 2009
Full body dragon breathing fire and wrapped around wordmark "UAB" in yellow with white trim and flames on each letter and "BLAZERS" in white.
The shade of green has changed.

UAB Blazers
1996 - 2003
Initials "UAB" in old gold with white trim with red fire flames on each letter and wordmark "BLAZERS" in white on a black banner with a green, black and red dragon all on a white, red and black shield.

UAB Blazers
1996 - 2003
A full body green, black yellow and red dragon breathing fire.

UAB Blazers
1996 - 2003
Fire breathing dragon in green, black, white, red and yellow on a yellow with red trim shield and wordmark "UAB BLAZERS" above on a black shield.

UAB Blazers
1996 - 2003
Full body dragon breathing fire and wrapped around wordmark "UAB" in yellow with white trim and flames on each letter and "BLAZERS" in white.

UAB Blazers
1996 - 2003
Fire breathing dragon in green, black, white, red and yellow.

UAB Blazers
1978 - 1996
Diagonal scripted wordmark "Blazers" with tail in green.