Buffalo Bulls
Interlocked letters “UB” in blue. Slightly darker blue from the previous primary logo.
Bulls Alternate Logo
The Buffalo Bulls have a long and storied history in the NCAA, with an impressive record of success on the field. But what many don't know is that they also have a unique visual identity that has evolved over time. The official logo for the team is well known, but there are several alternate logos used throughout their history as well. In this blog post, we'll take a look at some of these lesser-known designs and how they reflect changes in branding over time.
The first alternate logo for Buffalo was unveiled in 1983 when it adopted its current nickname “Bulls” from its former moniker “Bison” which had been used since 1896 when UB joined Division I athletics programs across America's colleges and universities. This new design featured two bulls facing each other with horns intertwined to form a "UB" shape — standing out among other university logos which typically consisted of just text or basic shapes like circles or squares.
In 1993, another iteration was introduced featuring three bulls arranged around an interlocking letter "U". This symbolized strength through unity while maintaining continuity between past iterations by keeping elements such as color scheme (blue & white) intact. Additionally, this version included small stars above each bull's head to signify excellence; something that University at Buffalo teams strive for both on and off the field today!
By 2008 however, things had changed drastically: A more modern look was needed to match up with advancing technology so designers created yet another iteration featuring two bison instead - one running forward representing progress while still paying homage to UB's original mascot from 1896. Finally, in 2014, the current primary logo came into play -a fierce-looking buffalo charging ahead surrounded by flames signifying power & energy—an apt representation of all those who proudly wear blue & white every day!
Over nearly 130 years, University at Buffalo has seen numerous changes including its athletic identities; throughout it all though one thing remains constant: their commitment towards excellence no matter what comes next! Through innovative design work done by talented professionals combined with strong leadership decisions made within administration offices –we can see how far our beloved school has come since its inception back in 1846 ...and where it will continue going into future generations!
Buffalo Bulls
2016 - Present
A front view of a bulls head in blue above a wordmark "BUFFALO BULLS" in blue.

Buffalo Bulls
2007 - 2015
Interlocked letters "UB" in white with blue and grey trim.

Buffalo Bulls
1997 - 2006
Wordmark "UNIVERSITY AT" in black and "BUFFALO BULLS" in blue with white highlights and black trim above a bulls head in several shades of blue streaking and blowing through the nose.

Buffalo Bulls
1997 - 2006
A bulls head in several shades of blue streaking and blowing through the nose.

Buffalo Bulls
2016 - Present
A front view of a bull's head in blue.

Buffalo Bulls
2007 - 2015
A full body bull in blue, white, grey and black above a wordmark "BUFFALO" in white with a black trim.

Buffalo Bulls
2007 - 2015
A full body bull in blue, white, grey and black.

Buffalo Bulls
1997 - 2006
Interlocked letters "UB" in blue.