Evansville Purple Aces
Beveled interlocked letters “UE” in purple with white and orange trim.
Purple Aces Alternate Logo
The Evansville Purple Aces have a long and storied history in the NCAA, dating back to their first season in 1906. Over the years, they’ve had several different logos that have represented the team at various times. Today we’re taking a look at some of these alternate logos from throughout their history and what makes them special.
The earliest logo for the Purple Aces dates back to 1947 when it was introduced as part of an updated uniform design for both men's and women's teams. This original logo featured two purple hands clasping together with “E-V-A-N” written above them on a white background surrounded by four stars representing each school year (freshman through senior). The colors chosen were meant to represent strength, loyalty, courage, faithfulness, and friendship – values that are still associated with Evansville today!
In 1995 another new logo was unveiled which featured two crossed swords behind an outline of Indiana state with “Evansville University Basketball Team” written across it in script font style lettering along either side. This version also included four stars around its outside edge similar to earlier designs but this time there were five instead - one for each decade since 1906 when basketball began at UE! It wasn't until 2002 however before any major changes occurred again; this time introducing three interlocking circles inside an oval shape featuring more traditional lettering spelling out "Purple Aces" overtop blue textured waves underneath which symbolized water or rivers running through our region here near Lake Michigan where UE is located geographically speaking too!
Finally just last year yet another redesign took place giving us our current version: An aggressive-looking knight atop his horse holding aloft his sword while standing upon three sets of stairs leading up into eternity - all within a circular frame made up mostly black & silver tones plus hints yellow gold highlighting certain details like wings on either side or even eyes gazing outwardly towards opponents/foes he must face...but no matter what comes next he will always remain loyal forevermore because HE IS THE PURPLE ACE!
Evansville Purple Aces
2020 - Present
Slanted scripted wordmark "Aces" in purple with orange trim.

Evansville Purple Aces
2001 - 2019
A purple with orange trim star shooting off the letter "A."