Evansville Purple Aces
Beveled interlocked letters “UE” in purple with white and orange trim.
Purple Aces Primary Logo
The Evansville Purple Aces have a long and storied history, dating back to the early 1900s. The school's primary logo has been around since the 1920s when it was first adopted by the university as its official mark. Over time, this iconic image has gone through several changes to reflect changing times and trends in collegiate athletics. In this blog post, we'll take a look at how this classic logo evolved over time into what it is today - an instantly recognizable symbol of pride for all Purple Aces fans!
In 1924, Evansville College (now University) commissioned designer Arthur E. Wilcoxen to create their new emblematic design – one that would be used on letterheads and other official documents from then on out. At that point in time there were no NCAA regulations about logos or uniforms so Wilcoxen was free to come up with whatever he wanted – which turned out to be a shield-like shape containing two crossed swords beneath an eagle’s head with wings spread open wide above them all set against three stars representing faith hope & charity respectively below them both. This design quickly became known as “the purple ace” due largely not only because of its color scheme but also because many believed these symbols represented courage & strength which made sense given how historically important those qualities had become during World War I just years prior.
As college sports began developing more rules regarding team branding however, changes needed to be made if they were going to stay compliant while still retaining some semblance of originality thusly in 1948 they updated their look slightly by replacing two swords with one curved blade while adding some additional detailing like textured shading along edges etcetera... This version remained relatively unchanged until 1997 when yet again another update occurred - swapping out traditional typeface for bolder sans serif font encasing words “Evansville Purples" within the outlined circle surrounding the entire thing making sure everyone knew exactly who owned rights such beloved iconography!
Today though things are much different now than back then; teams often use multiple versions of various logos throughout the season depending upon the occasion whether home games away contests championship tournaments etc. Even so original purple ace remains the most popular among the fan base even after nearly 100 years of being part of university identity showing just how much power simple imagery can hold across generations!

Evansville Purple Aces
2001 - 2020
A purple with orange trim star shooting off the letter "A" of the wordmark "ACES" in purple with orange trim and "EVANSVILLE" in orange on the bottom.

Evansville Purple Aces
1977 - 2001
A classy looking card player wearing a hat in purple, white and black holding a pennant with the letters "UE" and carrying walking stick.
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