Charlotte 49ers
A tilted letter “C” in green with a pick ax silhouette.
49ers Alternate Logo
The Charlotte 49ers have a long and storied history, but one of the most interesting aspects of their past is the evolution of their alternate logos. From classic to modern, these logos represent an ever-changing visual identity that reflects both the team's current state and its future ambitions.
The first logo used by Charlotte was created in 1996 when they joined Conference USA as part of the NCAA Division I sports program. It featured a green shield with two crossed swords behind it, representing strength and courage on behalf of the players who wore it proudly throughout the competition. This logo remained unchanged until 2002 when an updated version was unveiled featuring a more contemporary design that included three stars in place of swords – symbolizing excellence through hard work and dedication to success on all levels for student-athletes competing at UNC Charlotte’s highest-level - college football!
In 2008 another new look for The 49ers was unveiled; this time featuring an aggressive-looking black panther head wearing a gold crown atop its head – reminiscent not only of North Carolina’s “Tar Heel State” nickname but also signifying power & dominance within collegiate athletics today! This design has been tweaked slightly over time (most recently adding white accents around eyes & mouth) while still maintaining core elements from the original concept making sure everyone knows exactly what animal they are rooting for come game day!
As we continue into 2020 there is no doubt that The University Of North Carolina At Charlotte will keep evolving both athletically & visually; offering fans exciting experiences each season while staying true to tradition with unique takes on classic designs like those seen throughout our beloved teams' alternate logo history.
Charlotte 49ers
2020 - Present
Large numbers "49" with a pick axe silhouette inside the number "9" and the number "4' is white with a green trim and "ers" next to the numbers.

Charlotte 49ers
2020 - Present
A large number "9" with a pick axe silhouette and "ers" next to the number.

Charlotte 49ers
2020 - Present
The 49ers' logo places the classic 49ers' gold-mining pick inside a collegiate-inspired "C" with beveled corners, an aggressive stance, and a 9-degree forward tilt that illustrates the brand's positive energy and forwards momentum above the wordmark "NINERS" in green.

Charlotte 49ers
2020 - Present
The 49ers' logo places the classic 49ers' gold-mining pick inside a collegiate-inspired "C" with beveled corners, an aggressive stance, and a 9-degree forward tilt that illustrates the brand's positive energy and forwards momentum above the wordmark "CHARLOTTE" in green.

Charlotte 49ers
2020 - Present
A tilted letter "C" in green with a pick axe silhouette and the letters "LT" in green.

Charlotte 49ers
2020 - Present
A tilted letter "C" in gold with a pick axe silhouette.

Charlotte 49ers
2006 - 2020
A gold, black and white hand with a gold, black and white pick axe forming the letter "C" in green circle with a wordmark "CHARLOTTE" in white, gold and a tail.

Charlotte 49ers
2000 - 2020
A wordmark "49ERS" in white, gold and a tail on a green background.

Charlotte 49ers
2000 - 2020
A gold, black and white hand with a gold, black and white pick axe forming the letter "C" in green circle.

Charlotte 49ers
2000 - 2006
A gold, black and white hand with a gold, black and white pick axe forming the letter "C" in green circle with a wordmark "49ERS" in white, gold and a tail.
Moved to primary logo.

Charlotte 49ers
2000 - 2006
A gold, black and white hand with a gold, black and white pick axe forming the letter "C" in green circle with a wordmark "CHARLOTTE" in white, gold and a tail and initials "UNC" in gold.

Charlotte 49ers
1979 - 2000
Mascot Norm the Miner complete with pinned back hat, pipe in mouth, holding a pickaxe in his right hand, and his left hand pointing to the front above shifted over block "49ERS" in white.

Charlotte 49ers
1979 - 2000
Mascot Norm the Miner complete with pinned back hat, pipe in mouth, and holding a pickaxe in his right hand above block 49ERS" in green.

Charlotte 49ers
1979 - 2000
Custom font wordmark "49ers" with a tail in green with white trim.