Akron Zips
A modern, stylized letter “A” in blue with gold trim. It also subtly includes a Z within the design. Designed by Joe Bosack & Co.
Zips Alternate Logo
Since the inception of the Akron Zips in 1925, they have had a long and storied history. From their early years as an independent team to becoming part of the Mid-American Conference (MAC) in 1992, they have always been known for their unique style and identity. One way that this has been expressed is through their alternate logos over time.
The first alternate logo used by Akron was introduced during the 1997 season when it became one of four teams to join MAC's Eastern Division. It featured a cartoon kangaroo wearing boxing gloves with "Akron" written across its chest – representing both strength and agility on the field – surrounded by stars symbolizing excellence off it. This logo remained relatively unchanged until 2003 when a new version featuring an updated kangaroo design was unveiled; however, this only lasted two seasons before being replaced again in 2005 with another variation featuring more vibrant colors as well as different font styles for "Zips."
In 2008, yet another redesign came about which saw further changes made to both color scheme and overall design elements while still keeping true to the original concept established back in 1997; most notably were brighter shades used throughout along with additional details such as stripes running down either side of kangaroo's body plus larger stars around perimeter signifying championship aspirations held within the organization itself at all times regardless if those goals are ever achieved or not!
The current version debuted ahead of the start 2011 campaign which brought even more updates including the removal of any lettering from inside the animal’s torso area so now just a simple outline remains the same size/shape but without text inside making look much cleaner overall while also incorporating traditional school colors into the mix too (blue & gold). Despite these subtle alterations though core message behind the image still stands strong today: that no matter what happens out there on the playing field each every day will be fought courageously never giving up until the very end!
Akron Zips
2022 - Present
A modern, stylized letter "A" in blue with gold trim. It also subtly includes a Z within the design. Below is a wordmark "AKRON" in blue.
Designed by Joe Bosack & Co.

Akron Zips
2021 - 2022
A white with blue and gold trim letter "Z."

Akron Zips
2021 - 2022
A blue with white and gold trim letter "Z."

Akron Zips
2018 - 2022
A blue, white and gold kangaroo hopping.

Akron Zips
2016 - 2021
A scripted wordmark "Akron" in white with blue trim.
Moved to primary logo in 2016.

Akron Zips
2015 - 2021
A gold with blue and gold trim letter "Z."

Akron Zips
2015 - 2021
A blue with white and gold trim letter "Z."

Akron Zips
2015 - 2021
A gold with white and gold trim letter "Z."

Akron Zips
2002 - 2008
A gold with blue and gold trim letter "Z."

Akron Zips
2002 - 2008
A blue, white and gold kangaroo hopping.

Akron Zips
2002 - 2008
A blue, white and gold kangaroo hopping with a wordmark "THE UNIVERSITY OF" in blue on a gold background and "AKRON" in white on a blue background.

Akron Zips
2002 - 2008
A blue, white and gold kangaroo's head.

Akron Zips
2002 - 2008
A blue, white and gold kangaroo's head in front of a letter "A" in white with blue and gold trim.

Akron Zips
2002 - 2008
A blue, white and gold kangaroo's head in front of a letter "A" in white with blue and gold trim in a blue with gold trim oval background.

Akron Zips
1983 - 1985
A white with gold highlighted block letter "A" on a blue oval background.