SIU Edwardsville Cougars
The initials “SIUE” in red with white and black trim combined with the new cougar head in black, white, and brown.
Cougars Alternate Logo
Since its inception in 1957, the SIU Edwardsville Cougars have been proudly represented by their iconic logo. The original design featured a fierce-looking cougar head with an intimidating snarl and two prominent eyes. Over the years, this classic symbol has undergone several modifications to keep up with changing trends and styles while still maintaining its core identity as a representation of the school’s spirit and pride.
The first major change was made in 1994 when designers added more detail to give it a three-dimensional look that better captured the ferocity of their mascot. This included adding fur around the mouth area as well as giving it sharper teeth for an even more menacing appearance than before. Additionally, they also changed out some of the colors used on both sides from red to navy blue which gave it a sleeker finish overall compared to previous versions prior that had primarily relied on just one color scheme throughout all areas including background elements such as stars or stripes, etc…
In 2003 another redesign took place where they decided again to add more texture but this time focusing less on physical features like fur or teeth and instead opting for making subtle changes through shading techniques so that there would be greater depth within each part without altering too much away from what people already recognized about them over decades past at the same time. As result, we now see darker tones near the top portion above the eyes along the mane which helps create contrast between lighter shades underneath the chin & neck region thus creating an illusion of a 3D effect once again without having to go back to drawing board entirely start fresh something completely different altogether.
Finally, the most recent update came in 2013 when the university chose further refine edges to make smoother transitions between shapes example ears were rounded off a bit rather than being sharp angular lines like before addition slight adjustments to other parts of the body helped bring the whole together as cohesive unit solidifying current iteration we know today officially adopted 2014 after going through rounds feedback approval process students faculty administrators alike.
All these alterations combined have allowed SIU Edwardsville Cougars to maintain a strong presence not only college sports world but also amongst the alumni fanbase which continues to recognize instantly recognizable icons even though may look like slightly different generations come to go since first introduced in 1957!
SIU Edwardsville Cougars
2023 - Present
A cougar's head is black, white, and brown.

SIU Edwardsville Cougars
2023 - Present
The initials "SIUE" are in white with red and black trim above a wordmark "COUGARS" in black.

SIU Edwardsville Cougars
2023 - Present
The initials "SIUE" are in red with white and black trim above a wordmark "COUGARS" in black.

SIU Edwardsville Cougars
2023 - Present
A cougar's head is black, white, and brown with the wordmark "SIUE COUGARS" in red with white and black trim.

SIU Edwardsville Cougars
2023 - Present
A cougar's head is black, white, and brown with the wordmark "COUGARS" in red with white and black trim.

SIU Edwardsville Cougars
2019 - 2022
A Cougar head and the initials "SIUe" in black and red beside the wordmark "COUGARS" in white with red trim and "ATHLETICS" in white inside a red border on a black slanted box.

SIU Edwardsville Cougars
2019 - 2022
A Cougar's head and the initials "SIUe" in black and red above the wordmark "COUGARS" in white with black and red trim and black scratch marks above the wordmark "ATHLETICS" in black.

SIU Edwardsville Cougars
2019 - 2022
A Cougar's head and the initials "SIUe" in black and red above the wordmark "COUGARS" in white with black and red trim above the wordmark "ATHLETICS" in black.

SIU Edwardsville Cougars
2007 - 2022
A red letter "e" on a black background with black claw marks.

SIU Edwardsville Cougars
2007 - 2022
A partial head shot of a cougar in brown, black and white.

SIU Edwardsville Cougars
2007 - 2022
Cougar's claw marks in black.

SIU Edwardsville Cougars
2001 - 2007
Initials "SIUE" in red with black trim above a wordmark "COUGARS" in white on a red background with black trim next to a black with white trim circle background with a cougar's head and mouth wide open in front.

SIU Edwardsville Cougars
1973 - 2001
A side profile white and red cougar's head growling inside a white circle with red trim.