Louisiana-Monroe Warhawks
Maroon and yellow with yellow outline initials “ULM” with the letter “L” forming into a Warhawk’s head with a row of feathers.
Warhawks Alternate Logo
The University of Louisiana-Monroe Warhawks has had a long and proud history in college sports, particularly football. The team's alternate logo has been part of that legacy since the late 1960s when it was first introduced. This logo features an eagle with wings spread wide and its talons clutching a ULM shield with the school's initials written on it. It is one of the most recognizable logos in college sports today, having been featured on everything from jerseys to caps to t-shirts over the years.
The original version of this logo was created by artist William Clements in 1967 as part of his design for ULM’s new football uniforms at that time. Since then, there have been several variations made including versions featuring different colors or backgrounds as well as ones without any text or symbols at all; however, none has ever matched up to the popularity achieved by Clements’ original design which remains an iconic symbol among fans even today more than 50 years later!
In 2017, after decades of using its classic alternate logo, the university decided it was time for something fresh so they unveiled yet another variation - this one designed by graphic designer Joe Bosco who infused modern elements into traditional iconography while still maintaining its nostalgic feel. This new look featured brighter colors along with a bolder typeface which gave off much more energy compared to previous iterations making sure everyone knew just how serious Warhawk pride truly is! With such a unique blend between old and new aesthetics, this updated version will likely remain popular amongst students & alumni alike for many years to come – cementing its place within NCAA history books forevermore!
Louisiana-Monroe Warhawks
2018 - Present
A red, black, white and brown hawk's head.
Slightly modified in new colors.

Louisiana-Monroe Warhawks
2010 - 2014
A red, black, white and brown with a brown trim hawk's head above initials "ULM" in white with black formed background with a brown trim.

Louisiana-Monroe Warhawks
2006 - 2018
A red, black, white and brown with a brown trim hawk's head.

Louisiana-Monroe Warhawks
2006 - 2015
A red, black, white and brown with a brown trim hawk's head peeking out from over initials "ULM" in white on a black background and a wordmark "WARHAWKS" in white on a red banner.

Louisiana-Monroe Warhawks
2006 - 2010
A streaking red, black, white and brown hawk holding a white lightning bolt over wordmark "WARHAWKS" in white on a black background and a wordmark "LOUISIANA MONROE" in white on a red banner on a gold with black trim shield.

Louisiana-Monroe Warhawks
2006 - 2010
A streaking red, black, white and brown hawk holding a white lightning bolt over initials "ULM" in white on a black background and a wordmark "LOUISIANA MONROE" in white on a red banner on a gold with black trim shield.

Louisiana-Monroe Warhawks
2006 - 2010
A streaking red, black, white and brown hawk holding a white lightning bolt over initials "ULM" in white on a black background and a wordmark "WARHAWKS" in white on a red banner on a gold with black trim shield.

Louisiana-Monroe Warhawks
2006 - 2010
A streaking red, black, white and brown hawk holding a lightning blot over initials "ULM" in white on a black background with gold trim.

Louisiana-Monroe Warhawks
2006 - 2010
A streaking red, black, white and brown hawk holding a lightning blot over initials "ULM" in white on a black background and a wordmark "LOUISIANA MONROE" in white on a red banner.

Louisiana-Monroe Warhawks
2006 - 2010
A streaking red, black, white and brown hawk holding a lightning blot over wordmark "WARHAWKS" in white on a black background and a wordmark "LOUISIANA MONROE" in white on a red banner.

Louisiana-Monroe Warhawks
2006 - 2010
A streaking red, black, white and brown hawk holding a white with black and gold trim lightning bolt.

Louisiana-Monroe Warhawks
2006 - 2009
A red, black, white and brown with a brown trim hawk's head peeking out from initials "ULM" in white with black formed background with a brown trim.

Louisiana-Monroe Warhawks
2000 - 2005
White with gold outline initials "ULM" with the letter "L" forming into a white, red and gold Indian's head.

Louisiana-Monroe Warhawks
2000 - 2005
A letter "L" forming into a white, black and gold Indian's head above a wordmark "MONROE" in black.

Louisiana-Monroe Warhawks
2000 - 2005
A black, red, white and tan Indian warrior in a red oval above wordmark "LOUISIANA" in white with yellow trim and "MONROE" in black.

Louisiana-Monroe Warhawks
2000 - 2005
A letter "L" forming into a white, red and gold Indian's head.