UAB Blazers
Fire breathing dragon in green, black, white, red, and yellow.
Blazers Primary Logo
The University of Alabama at Birmingham Blazers has a long and storied history, stretching back to the school's founding in 1969. The UAB Blazer's primary logo has been an integral part of that history since its introduction in 1981.
At the time, UAB was known as the “The University of Alabama at Birmingham-Birmingham” (UABB), and its first logo was designed by local graphic artist Tom Butts. It featured a blue shield with two interlocking Bs and an orange flame emanating from it - representing both strength and power. This design became so iconic that it is still used today on many products related to UAB athletics including t-shirts, hats, jackets, etc.
In 1995, when the university changed its name to simply "University of Alabama at Birmingham" (UAB), they decided to update its original logo with one more closely associated with modern times while maintaining some elements from its original design: namely keeping the colors blue & orange along with retaining those famous interlocking Bs!
The current version features a bolder font for ‘Blazers’ written across three lines; each line progressively getting smaller until reaching 'blazers' which is then encased within two overlapping circles containing those familiar interlocked letters 'BB'. Above this sits another circle featuring four stars that represent excellence in academics as well as athletics - all surrounded by flames once again symbolizing strength & power!
The new look has become synonymous not only with UAB but also with college sports teams around America who use similar designs or variations thereof for their own logos – such is a testament to how successful this redesign has been over time! So next time you see someone wearing something adorned by these symbols remember: you are looking upon almost 40 years worth of proud tradition behind them!

UAB Blazers
2009 - 2015
Fire breathing dragon in green, black, white, red, and yellow on a yellow with red trim shield and wordmark "UAB BLAZERS" above on a black shield.

UAB Blazers
2003 - 2009
Full body dragon breathing fire and wrapped around wordmark "BLAZERS" in yellow with white trim and flames on each letter and "UAB" in white.
The shade of green was changed.

UAB Blazers
1996 - 2003
Full body dragon breathing fire and wrapped around wordmark "BLAZERS" in yellow with white trim and flames on each letter and "UAB" in white.

UAB Blazers
1978 - 1996
Scripted wordmark "BLAZERS" with tail above arrow with notches in green.
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