Buffalo Bulls
Interlocked letters “UB” in blue. Slightly darker blue from the previous primary logo.
Bulls Primary Logo
The University of Buffalo Bulls has a long and proud history, dating back to 1846 when the school was founded. The school's athletic teams have been known as the "Bulls" since 1923, and over the years they've developed a unique logo that captures their spirit. Today we're taking a look at the history of this iconic logo and how it has evolved over time.
The first version of what would become known as “the Bull” debuted in 1924 on UB’s football helmets. It featured an aggressive-looking bull with two horns pointing forward while its head faced leftward – similar to today’s design but much more stylized and minimalistic than current iterations. This original version remained relatively unchanged until 1948 when it was updated with thicker lines, bolder colors, larger eyes, longer horns (pointing up), bigger nostrils/mouth area along with additional detail around its body such as shading for muscle definition, etc.
In 1966 another update took place which saw ‘the Bull' receive even more detailing including fur texture (on both sides) plus various other details like claws or hooves depending on which side you were looking from - again all done in order to give him an even fiercer appearance! From there, onwards minor tweaks were made periodically throughout different decades before finally arriving at our current iteration: A muscular bull facing slightly rightwards while his two horns point upwards towards the sky – giving us one truly intimidating mascot!
Over nearly 100 years 'the Bull' has gone through several changes yet still manages to retain many elements from earlier versions; making him one timeless symbol that will continue representing Buffalo Bulls for generations to come!

Buffalo Bulls
2007 - 2016
Interlocked letters "UB" in blue.

Buffalo Bulls
1997 - 2007
Wordmark "UNIVERSITY AT" in black and "BUFFALO BULLS" in purple with white highlights and black trim above a bulls head in several shades of blue streaking and blowing through the nose.
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