George Washington Colonials
A gold with white highlights initials “GW” with blue trim.
Colonials Alternate Logo
The George Washington Colonials have a long and storied history, and their alternate logos are no exception. For decades, the university has used different versions of its iconic logo to represent the school in various ways. From traditional depictions of an eagle to more modern interpretations of its mascot, the Colonials’ alternate logos have evolved over time to reflect changing times and trends.
The first version was created in 1965 when then-President Stephen Joel Trachtenberg commissioned artist Paul Eiseman for a new logo design that would be used on all university materials from letterhead stationery to athletic uniforms. The original design featured an eagle perched atop a shield with two swords crossed behind it – symbolic of both strength and protection – as well as GW’s initials below it in bold letters: “GWU” (George Washington University). This classic look has remained largely unchanged since then, though minor tweaks such as adding color or updating fonts have been made through the years.
In 2008, GW unveiled another variation on this classic theme: A stylized image featuring an eagle spreading its wings above three stars representing each branch of service within which many alumni serve—the Army (green), Navy (blue), and Air Force (red). This patriotic nod combined with updated font choices gave rise to what is now known affectionately by students as “the Eagle Logo."
In recent years there's also been some experimentation outside these core designs - like creating graphics inspired by popular culture references or incorporating elements from DC landmarks such as cherry blossoms into designs - but overall they've stayed true to their roots while still remaining relevant today.
All told there's something special about having multiple iterations for one symbol that can represent so much about your institution; whether you're looking back at where you came from or ahead towards future successes, there's always something exciting about seeing how far your school can go when embracing creativity.
George Washington Colonials
2012 - Present
A front view of a blue, gold, and white colonial wearing a blue and gold hat with the initials "GW."
A new shade of blue and gold.

George Washington Colonials
2006 - Present
Wordmark "COLONIALS" in gold with white highlights on a blue-formed background and below a wordmark "THE GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY" in blue.

George Washington Colonials
2006 - Present
Wordmark "COLONIALS" in gold with white highlights on a blue-formed background.

George Washington Colonials
2006 - 2012
A front view of a blue, gold, and white colonial wearing a blue and gold hat with the initials "GW."

George Washington Colonials
2006 - 2012
Block initials "GW" in blue with white and gold time.

George Washington Colonials
1998 - 2006
A yellow with white highlights initials "GW" with blue trim separated by the Washington Monument.

George Washington Colonials
1998 - 2006
A blue, grey and white colonial holding a replica of the Washington Monument with a "GW" banner attached above a wordmark "COLONIALS" in yellow with white highlights on a blue background.

George Washington Colonials
1998 - 2006
A blue, grey and white colonial holding a replica of the Washington Monument above an wordmark "COLONIALS" in yellow with white highlights on a blue formed background.

George Washington Colonials
1998 - 2006
A blue, grey and white colonial holding a replica of the Washington Monument.

George Washington Colonials
1998 - 2006
A blue, grey and white colonial holding a replica of the Washington Monument with a "GW" banner attached.

George Washington Colonials
1998 - 2006
A head shot of a blue, white and tan colonial wearing a hat with the initials "GW" in yellow.

George Washington Colonials
1998 - 2006
A blue, grey and white colonial holding a replica of the Washington Monument above an initials "GW" in yellow with white highlights on a blue formed background.

George Washington Colonials
1989 - 1998
A wordmark "Colonials" in blue with a gold shooting star above the smaller non-serif text of The GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY" and "WASHINGTON DC" in blue.