Louisiana-Monroe Warhawks
Maroon and yellow with yellow outline initials “ULM” with the letter “L” forming into a Warhawk’s head with a row of feathers.
Warhawks Wordmark Logo
The Louisiana-Monroe Warhawks have a long and storied history, dating back to its inception in 1931. The school’s wordmark logo has been around since the beginning, evolving over time as the university grew and changed. Today, it is an iconic symbol of the school’s athletic prowess and spirit.
Originally known as “Northeast Louisiana State College” when it was founded in 1931, the institution began using its now-famous wordmark logo shortly thereafter. It featured a stylized hawk head with wings outstretched across a shield shape that read “NELSCO ULM." This remained unchanged until 1969 when Northeast Louisiana University adopted its current nickname—the Warhawks—and updated its logo accordingly by changing "NELSCO" to "ULM". In 1978 they added two stars above either side of their new moniker to represent both academic excellence and athletics success respectively; these remain part of today's design elements for all sports teams at ULM.
In 1996 this classic Warhawk image was given an update which included adding bolder colors such as navy blue or maroon along with some minor tweaks like adding more feathers on each wing tip or altering certain lettering styles within 'ULM'. These changes were made primarily due to NCAA regulations regarding team logos used during competition events but still managed to maintain much of what had become so familiar about this timeless look from years past.
Today, The University Of Monroe's official mascot is represented by one unified version which includes both primary colors (navy & maroon) along with white outlining throughout most parts including those original stars mentioned earlier. This modern take on what started off nearly 90 years ago continues to be seen proudly displayed at various sporting venues throughout campus while also being showcased prominently online through social media outlets such as Twitter or Instagram where fans can show support for their beloved Warhawks!

Louisiana-Monroe Warhawks
2018 - Present
Wordmark "WARHAWKS" in maroon with gold trim.
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Louisiana-Monroe Warhawks
2006 - 2018
Initials "ULM" in white on a black background with gold trim.
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Louisiana-Monroe Warhawks
2006 - 2013
Initials "ULM" in white on a black background and a wordmark "WARHAWKS" in white on a red banner on a gold with black trim wings.
Font: Custom

Louisiana-Monroe Warhawks
2006 - 2013
Initials "ULM" in white on a black background and a wordmark "LOUISIANA MONROE" in white on a red banner on a gold with black trim wings.
Font: Custom

Louisiana-Monroe Warhawks
2006 - 2010
Wordmark "WARHAWKS" in white on a black background and an arched wordmark "LOUISIANA MONROE" in white on a red banner on a gold with black trim wings.
Font: Custom

Louisiana-Monroe Warhawks
2003 - 2005
Wordmark "Louisiana" scripted in red with gold trim on a red, white and black spear with a wordmark "INDIANS" in gold.
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