Alabama State Hornets
A hornet is between the letter U of the initials “ASU” in black.
Hornets Wordmark Logo
The Alabama State Hornets wordmark logo has been a part of the school's identity since it was first introduced in the late 1990s. The original design featured a bold yellow and black color scheme with an aggressive hornet mascot perched atop the lettering. Since then, there have been numerous changes to reflect modern trends and to better represent what Alabama State stands for as an academic institution.
The current version of the logo features a more refined look, featuring white lettering on top of vibrant yellow and black stripes that are designed to evoke strength, power, and pride. The updated font is also much cleaner than its predecessors which makes it easier for fans to recognize from afar or when printed on merchandise such as t-shirts or hats. Additionally, subtle details like jagged edges give this iteration more character while still paying homage to its roots with traditional elements like stars at either end of “Alabama” in addition to two curved lines above “State” symbolizing wings – alluding both literally & figuratively that ASU is ready to take flight into greatness!
Overall, the evolution of these logos over time reflects how far Alabama State University has come since its founding back in 1856 and shows no signs of altering anytime soon! As they move forward into uncharted territory in the years ahead, one thing remains certain: Their iconic wordmark will always serve as a reminder that no matter where life takes you - home is always here at ASU.

Alabama State Hornets
2001 - Present
Custom font initials "ASU" in gold.
Font: Sans-serif