UC Irvine Anteaters
Interlocking letters “UCI” in dark blue with yellow trim.
Anteaters Wordmark Logo
For over 50 years, the UC Irvine Anteaters have proudly represented their school with a unique and iconic wordmark logo. This recognizable mark has been used to represent the university and its teams in many different contexts, from official athletic uniforms to promotional merchandise.
The original UC Irvine Anteaters wordmark was designed by graphic designer Paul Vredevoogd in 1969 when he created an illustration of an anteater for use on campus stationery. The design featured a stylized anteater silhouette set against a blue circle with bold white lettering reading “UCI” above it. This classic version of the logo is still widely recognized today as one of the most recognizable marks associated with UC Irvine athletics and spirit wear items alike!
Over time, small changes were made to refine this classic look while still keeping true to its original roots – such as adjusting font sizes or adding more detail within each letterform – but no major alterations had been made until recently when designers sought out ways they could modernize it without compromising its identity or legacy at all! In 2019, after several rounds of concept sketches and feedback sessions between various stakeholders including alumni members & current students alike; a new updated version was unveiled which features minor adjustments like sharper lines & angles throughout along with subtle gradient color shifts that give off just enough vibrancy without taking away from what makes this particular symbol so special: Its timelessness!
This newly updated mark continues to be seen around campus on everything from hats & t-shirts worn by students during game days all year round; proving that even half a century later - there's something about being an Anteater that will never go out of style!

UC Irvine Anteaters
2014 - Present
Wordmark "UC" in yellow and "IRVINE" in blue.
Font: Unknown