Maryland Terrapins
A red with yellow and black trim above a banner of the Maryland state flag.
Terrapins Wordmark Logo
The Maryland Terrapins wordmark logo is one of the oldest and most recognizable logos in college sports. The iconic “T” design has been a part of Maryland athletics since 1932 when it was designed by former student Wilbur C. Crowell as part of an effort to unify all athletic teams under one symbol. Since then, the logo has gone through several iterations but its basic elements have remained largely unchanged throughout its nearly 90-year history.
The original version featured a bold red “T” with yellow accents on either side and white stars above and below it; this design was used until 1972 when the university decided to modernize its look with a more simplified version featuring just two yellow bars extending from either side of the letter T instead of four separate stars or stripes as before. This new iteration quickly became popular among fans and remains in use today alongside other variations such as an italicized font or black background for certain occasions like game days at University Stadiums across campus locations nationwide!
Today, no matter what form they take on - whether traditional or modern - these logos are instantly recognized symbols that represent not only pride for their school but also serve as reminders about how far we've come since first introducing them back in 1932! They are timeless representations that will continue to be seen around campus grounds everywhere long after our current generation graduates from college life itself - making them truly unforgettable pieces within collegiate sports culture worldwide!

Maryland Terrapins
2019 - Present
Scripted wordmark "Terps" in red with black trim.
A new shade of red.
Font: Maryland Terrapins

Maryland Terrapins
2011 - Present
Wordmark in red with yellow and black trim "TERPS" and a state flag banner below.
Font: Maryland Terrapins

Maryland Terrapins
2011 - Present
Wordmark in red with yellow and black trim "FEAR THE TURTLE" and a state flag banner below.
Font: Maryland Terrapins

Maryland Terrapins
2011 - Present
Wordmark in red with yellow and black trim "TERRAPINS" and a state flag banner below.
Font: Maryland Terrapins

Maryland Terrapins
2011 - Present
Wordmark in red with yellow and black trim "MARYLAND" and a state flag banner below and "TERRAPINS" in red.
Font: Maryland Terrapins

Maryland Terrapins
2011 - Present
Wordmark in red with yellow and black trim "MARYLAND" and a state flag banner below.
Font: Maryland Terrapins

Maryland Terrapins
2011 - Present
A arched wordmark "MARYLAND" in red with yellow and black trim.
Font: Maryland Terrapins

Maryland Terrapins
2011 - 2012
A red with black wordmark "I THINK, THEREFORE I AM" with AM consisted of the M-Flag logo.
Font: Maryland Terrapins

Maryland Terrapins
2011 - 2012
A red with black wordmark "I INNOVATE, THERE I AM" with AM consisted of the M-Flag logo.
Font: Maryland Terrapins

Maryland Terrapins
2009 - 2011
Wordmark of arched "MARYLAND" in red with white and black trim below state flag of Maryland.
Font: Maryland Terrapins

Maryland Terrapins
2006 - 2011
The Muscle Testudo mascot holding letter "M" beside a wordmark "UNIVERSITY OF" in yellow and "MARYLAND" type in red with white trim.
A new shade of red.
Font: Maryland Terrapins

Maryland Terrapins
2006 - 2010
Scripted wordmark "Terps" in red with black trim.
Font: Maryland Terrapins

Maryland Terrapins
1996 - 2006
The Muscle Testudo mascot holding letter "M" beside a wordmark "UNIVERSITY OF" in yellow and "MARYLAND" type in red with white trim.
Font: Maryland Terrapins

Maryland Terrapins
1996 - 2006
A brown with red and yellow shell terrapin holding a letter "M" in red with white trim. To the right is a wordmark "UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND TERRAPINS" in black.
Font: Maryland Terrapins

Maryland Terrapins
1982 - 2006
Scripted wordmark "Terps" in red with black trim.
Font: Maryland Terrapins