San Francisco Dons
Green letters “SF” inside the letter “U” in yellow.
Dons Wordmark Logo
The San Francisco Dons are a collegiate sports team that has been around since the late 1800s and is part of the NCAA Division I. Over its long history, the school has had several different logos, but its current wordmark logo is one of its most iconic designs.
The original wordmark was designed in 1952 by graphic designer Saul Bass. The logo featured an italicized “SF” with a red-and-black color scheme to represent both strength and power as well as loyalty to San Francisco University (now known as USF). This design remained unchanged until 1992 when it was updated slightly with bolder lettering and brighter colors used for emphasis on each letter in "DONS".
In 2002, USF decided to update its brand identity once again by introducing a new version of its classic wordmark logo which included more modern font styling along with additional elements such as stars above each letter representing excellence within academics and athletics at USF. This new look also incorporated an eye-catching gold outline around all letters giving them even greater prominence than before while still maintaining much of what people loved about the original design from 1952 – including those same powerful reds & blacks!
In recent years there have been further updates made to this classic mark; however, these changes have only served to enhance rather than replace any existing elements or meaning associated with it over time – making sure that no matter how many times things change throughout history, we can always count on our beloved SF Dons having one constant: Their iconic Wordmark Logo!

San Francisco Dons
2009 - 2012
A green with yellow trim wordmark "SAN FRANCISCO" with a gold and white sword in place of the letter "I."
Font: San francisco dons

San Francisco Dons
2001 - 2009
A green with yellow trim wordmark "SAN FRANCISCO" with a gold and white sword in place of the letter "I." A green, black and yellow gaucho is peeking through the letter "O."
Font: San francisco dons