UC Davis Aggies
A wordmark “UC DAVIS” in blue with gold trim above “ATHLETICS” in gold.
Aggies Wordmark Logo
Since its founding in 1905, UC Davis has grown to become one of the most respected universities in the world. As such, it’s no surprise that its iconic wordmark logo has a long and storied history.
The original UC Davis logo was designed by Professor William Denton back in 1932 when he was asked to create a seal for the university's centennial celebration. This design featured an open book with the words “University of California-Davis” written within it and surrounded by four stars representing each college at the time: Agriculture, Engineering, Letters & Science, and Veterinary Science. The colors used were blue for loyalty and gold for excellence—a combination that is still part of our current branding today!
In 1962 this classic design underwent some changes as new colleges were added to what is now known as UC Davis; however, these modifications only included adding more stars rather than changing any other elements from Professor Denton’s original concept. Over time though additional tweaks have been made including introducing lighter shades into both colors while keeping them consistent across all applications (e.g., web pages). Most recently we saw an update where two lines are placed beneath “UC Davis” text giving us our modern-day look which includes three distinct hues: navy blue (loyalty), royal purple (innovation) & white lettering signifying purity/cleanliness—all working together harmoniously!
Overall it seems clear that although times may change there will always be something special about how UCDavis visually represents itself through its timeless wordmark logo–one which stands out amongst many others due largely thanks to professor William Denton who created such an enduring symbol over 80 years ago!

UC Davis Aggies
2020 - Present
The blue script wordmark "Davis."
Font: Custom

UC Davis Aggies
2013 - 2019
Double lined wordmark "UC" in blue, "DAVIS" in bold blue and "AGGIES" in blue with a gold underscore between the wordmark.
Shade of gold was changed.
Font: Unknown

UC Davis Aggies
1999 - 2013
Double lined wordmark "UC" in blue, "DAVIS" in bold blue and "AGGIES" in blue with a gold underscore between the wordmark.
Font: Unknown