Austin Peay Governors
A black, white, red and grey governor with a top hat in black and a moniker and a grey outline. A former alternate logo.
Governors Wordmark Logo
Austin Peay State University is one of the oldest universities in Tennessee, and its governor's wordmark logo has a long history. First used in the 1970s, this iconic symbol has been associated with APSU since then. The original design was created by an alumnus of Austin Peay who wanted to create a unique and recognizable mark for his alma mater that would be easily identifiable on products ranging from apparel to stationery items.
The original design featured a shield shape with “APSU” written across it in bold letters along with two stars above it representing excellence and achievement. This classic look was updated over time as changes were made to reflect current trends while still maintaining its core identity elements such as the shield shape, stars, colors (purple & white), and lettering style (bold block font).
In 2011 another update took place which included simplifying some aspects of the logo such as removing unnecessary lines from within the star shapes while keeping all other details intact; this allowed for better recognition when printed at smaller sizes or viewed on digital devices like phones or tablets where clarity can be an issue due to low-resolution screens.
Today's version retains much of what made up earlier iterations but also features modern touches such as smooth edges around each element instead of sharp corners which gives off a more contemporary feel without sacrificing any readability or familiarity that comes along with being so closely associated with Austin Peay State University's brand identity for decades now!

Austin Peay Governors
2024 - Present
A red scripted wordmark "Govs" with a tail underneath emerges from the letter "S."
Font: Unknown

Austin Peay Governors
2024 - Present
A scripted wordmark "Austin Peay" in red with tail underneath emerging from the letter "Y."
Font: Unknown

Austin Peay Governors
2024 - Present
A scripted wordmark "Governors" in red with tail underneath emerging from the letter "S."
Font: Unknown

Austin Peay Governors
2017 - Present
A wordmark "GOVS" in red.
Font: Unknown

Austin Peay Governors
2014 - Present
Double lined wordmark "AUSTIN PEAY" in red on the top and "GOVERNORS" in black.
Font: Unknown

Austin Peay Governors
2014 - Present
A wordmark "AUSTIN PEAY" in red.
Font: Unknown

Austin Peay Governors
2014 - Present
A wordmark "LET'S GO PEAY!" in red.
Font: Unknown

Austin Peay Governors
2014 - Present
A wordmark "GOVERNORS" in red.
Font: Unknown