Stephen F. Austin Lumberjacks
Diagonal and overlapping initials “SFA” in purple with white and purple trim on the state of Texas with a star showing the school location in Texas.
Lumberjacks Wordmark Logo
The Stephen F. Austin Lumberjacks have a long and storied history that dates back to 1923 when the university was founded in Nacogdoches, Texas. Over the years, their iconic wordmark logo has become an integral part of their identity and is recognized worldwide by fans and alumni alike.
The original logo featured a drawing of an axe-wielding lumberjack with the words “Stephen F. Austin” written across it in bold letters. This design served as the primary symbol for nearly 50 years until 1972, when it was replaced by a more modern version featuring just two large capitalized SFA letters inside of an orange circle with green accents–colors that remain today as part of its official branding palette.
Recently, minor changes have been made to refine this classic look, such as adding subtle shading effects on each letter or replacing them with block font versions. Still, its core elements remain unchanged since being introduced over 40 years ago! The current iteration still features those same two capitalized SFA initials surrounded by vibrant hues that capture traditional school spirit and convey strength through simplicity – making sure everyone knows who they are rooting for no matter where they may be geographically speaking!
As one can see from this brief overview of Stephen F. Austin's wordmark logo history, there is much more than meets the eye behind what makes up such timeless imagery within collegiate athletics today! It stands as a testament not only to how far these teams have come since inception but also serves as a reminder of why so many people continue to show support year after year regardless of wins or losses that occur along the way - because, at heart, we all know ‘SFA’ will always prevail in the end no matter what obstacles may arise during the season ahead.

Stephen F. Austin Lumberjacks
2020 - Present
Wordmark "STEPHEN F. AUSTIN" in silver on a purple background and "LUMBERJACKS" below in purple.
Font: Custom

Stephen F. Austin Lumberjacks
2020 - Present
Wordmark "STEPHEN F. AUSTIN" in silver on a purple background and "LADYJACKS" below in purple.
Font: Custom

Stephen F. Austin Lumberjacks
2012 - 2020
The initials "SFA" in white with silver hightlights on a purple formed background and a wordmark "LUMBERJACKS" in white on a purple with silver trim all on a slant.

Stephen F. Austin Lumberjacks
2012 - 2020
The initials "SFA" in white with silver hightlights on a purple formed background and a wordmark "LADYJACKS" in white on a purple with silver trim all on a slant.
Font: Custom

Stephen F. Austin Lumberjacks
2002 - 2012
The initials "SFA" in white with silver hightlights on a purple formed background and a wordmark "LUMBERJACKS" in white on a purple with silver trim all on a slant and a red trim around everything.
Font: Custom

Stephen F. Austin Lumberjacks
2002 - 2012
The initials "SFA" in white with silver and red hightlights on a purple formed background and a wordmark "LUMBERJACKS" in white on a purple with silver trim all on a slant.
Font: Custom

Stephen F. Austin Lumberjacks
2002 - 2012
The initials "SFA" in white with silver hightlights on a purple formed background and a wordmark "LADYJACKS" in white on a purple with silver trim all on a slant and a red trim around everything.
Font: Custom

Stephen F. Austin Lumberjacks
2002 - 2012
The initials "SFA" in white with silver and red hightlights on a purple formed background and a wordmark "LADYJACKS" in white on a purple with silver trim all on a slant.
Font: Custom