Grand Canyon Antelopes
Initials “GCU” in purple with speed lines through the letters. Called the speed GCU logo.
Antelopes Wordmark Logo
As sports fans, we know that a team's logo and wordmark can bring about an immense sense of pride. It is the symbol of our favorite teams and brings back memories from past games or moments in time. One such team with a rich history behind its logo is the Grand Canyon Antelopes.
The Grand Canyon Antelopes began as a Division II basketball program in 1999 at Grand Canyon University (GCU) in Phoenix, Arizona. The original wordmark was created by former GCU graphic designer Mark McClellan, who drew inspiration from Native American petroglyphs found near campus to create the unique design for their new mascot –the antelope! The current version still features this same tribal-like pattern. Still, it has been updated over time to feature more vibrant colors and bolder typeface choices, which help give it an even stronger presence on uniforms or other promotional materials used by GCU Athletics today.
In 2004, when GCU transitioned into NCAA Division I athletics status, they decided to update their brand identity further by introducing two new logos; one featuring just the antelope head and another featuring both “Grand Canyon” written above “Antelopes” below it within an oval shape –which would become known as their official primary mark going forward! This design choice helped better represent all aspects of what makes up GCU athletic programs while creating consistency across all teams' branding efforts moving forward (i.e., baseball/softball having similar designs).
As you can see, there's plenty of history behind this iconic school mascot - so next time you're cheering on your favorite Antelope, make sure you take some extra pride in knowing where those symbols come from!

Grand Canyon Antelopes
2023 - Present
Wordmark "LOPES" in a purple using a custom font called Thunder.
Font: Custom

Grand Canyon Antelopes
2023 - Present
Wordmark "GRAND CANYON" in a purple using a custom font called Thunder.
Font: Custom

Grand Canyon Antelopes
2015 - 2023
Wordmark "LOPES" in a purple.

Grand Canyon Antelopes
2015 - 2023
Wordmark "GRAND CANYON" in a purple and "UNIVERSITY" in a smaller font.

Grand Canyon Antelopes
2015 - 2023
Wordmark "GRAND CANYON UNIVERSITY" in purple.
Font: Custom

Grand Canyon Antelopes
2013 - 2015
Wordmark "'LOPES" in a purple.

Grand Canyon Antelopes
2013 - 2015
Wordmark "CANYON" in a purple.

Grand Canyon Antelopes
2013 - 2015
Wordmark "GRAND CANYON UNIVERSITY" in purple.
Font: Custom