South Dakota State Jackrabbits
A running jackrabbit in gold, white, and blue behind the bottom arched wordmark “JACKRABBITS” in white with gold trim on a blue formed background above “SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY” in South Dakota State Jackrabbits Primary Logo 2008 – Presentblue.
Jackrabbits Wordmark Logo
The South Dakota State Jackrabbits have a long and proud history of athletic success, stretching back to the early 1900s. The school's iconic wordmark logo has been used since its inception in 1916 and is one of the most recognizable logos in college sports today. In this blog post, we'll look at how this logo came to be and what it means for South Dakota State athletics fans.
The original design was created by head coach Charles "Pop" Harkness back in 1916 as part of his vision for an official team crest that could be worn on uniforms or other apparel items. The design features two crossed jackrabbit ears with an “S” inside them – representing both SDSU (South Dakota State University) initials as well as their mascot name – along with an italicized font spelling out “Jackrabbits” beneath it all. This simple yet effective design has become synonymous with SDSU athletics over the years, making appearances not only on jerseys but also banners, flags, hats, and more!
Over time, minor changes were made to keep up with modern trends, such as adding color variations like blue & yellow or black & white; however, the overall structure remained essentially unchanged until 2019, when they unveiled a new version that featured a much bolder lettering style alongside an updated colors scheme (blue/yellow). These updates helped bring fresh life into the classic emblem while maintaining core elements that make it so beloved among fans everywhere!
As you can see from its rich history spanning nearly 100 years now - South Dakota State Jackrabbits' wordmark logo is truly a timeless piece of art that perfectly captures the spirit behind the program itself: strong determination drives forward towards excellence no matter what obstacles may stand way! Whether cheering your favorite teams from stands wearing gear adorned with classic emblems or simply admiring unique beauty within the artwork itself - there's no doubt why so many people proudly call themselves true fanatics of these majestic creatures known affectionately just 'Rabbits.'

South Dakota State Jackrabbits
2008 - Present
A wordmark "JACKS" with rabbit ears and tail in yellow with blue trim on a light blue formed background.
Font: Custom

South Dakota State Jackrabbits
2008 - Present
A bottom arched wordmark "JACKRABBITS" in white with gold trim on a blue formed background.
Font: Custom