Rice Owls
An Olde English letter “R” in blue. Former alternate logo. Different spacing on this logo.
Owls Wordmark Logo
The Rice Owls have a long and proud history, and their iconic wordmark logo has been an integral part of that story. The original Rice Owl logo was first used in the early 1920s when football coach John Heisman adopted it as his team's official mascot. Since then, the design has evolved over time to become one of college athletics' most recognizable logos.
The current version of the Rice Owl wordmark is based on a classic collegiate font style known as “Old English” that dates back to the mid-19th century. It features bold lettering with sharp serifs along each line, giving it an authoritative look that symbolizes strength and power—perfectly fitting for an elite university like Rice University! The primary colors featured in this design are navy blue and white; both these shades have remained constant throughout their evolution since their inception nearly 100 years ago.
In recent years, there have been slight variations made to give this classic design a more modern appeal while still maintaining its timelessness; for example, some versions include subtle gradients or drop shadows behind each letter for added depth and dimensionality (as seen in their 2016 redesign). Overall though, no matter what changes may be made over time—one thing remains certain: The beloved rice owl will always remain a powerful representation of excellence at our alma mater!

Rice Owls
2018 - Present
Double-stacked custom font wordmark "RICE OWLS" in blue.
Font: Old English

Rice Owls
2017 - Present
Custom font wordmark "RICE" in blue.
Font: Old English

Rice Owls
2017 - Present
Custom font wordmark "OWLS" in blue.
Font: Old English

Rice Owls
2017 - Present
Custom font wordmark "RICE OWLS" in blue.
Font: Old English

Rice Owls
2007 - 2017
Olde English font Wordmark "RICE OWLS" in blue.
Font: Custom

Rice Owls
2000 - 2007
Wordmark "RICE" in blue.
Font: Custom

Rice Owls
1996 - 2007
Wordmark "OWLS" in white with grey trim on a blue-formed background.
Font: Custom

Rice Owls
1996 - 2007
Wordmark "RICE" in white with grey trim on a blue formed background.
Font: Custom

Rice Owls
1992 - 2007
Olde English wordmark "Rice" in blue.
Font: Custom

Rice Owls
1990 - 2000
Diagonally script wordmark "Rice" in blue.
Font: Custom