Jacksonville State Gamecocks
A red and black fighting rooster in a red with black trim oval and encircled wordmark “JACKSONVILLE STATE” in white and “GAMECOCKS” in red with white highlights on a black formed background.
Gamecocks Wordmark Logo
The Jacksonville State Gamecocks have been proudly representing the city of Jacksonville, Alabama since their inception in 1983. Over the years, they have developed a strong fan base and an impressive athletic program that has won numerous championships. As part of this success, they also developed their own unique wordmark logo to represent themselves and their accomplishments on the field.
The original logo was unveiled during the 1984-85 season and featured a bold “J” with two crossed feathers inside it – symbolizing strength and power while also hinting at its connection to nature (the school is located near mountains). The font used for this version was called “College Block” which added an extra layer of sophistication to it as well. This version remained unchanged until 2002 when some minor tweaks were made such as adding more detail around each letter in order to make them look sharper overall.
In 2009, another update occurred where both colors (red & white) were inverted so that red became dominant instead of white; additionally, a new font called “Varsity Block” replaced College Block giving off a more modern feel than before while still retaining traditional elements from earlier versions like crossed feathers within J shape itself or sharp edges along letters' outlines respectively. In 2015 yet another change happened - but only a slight one: now there are three horizontal lines across the middle part connecting all other parts together creating a unified whole out from previously separated ones effectively increasing the sense of unity even further without taking away any classic features present priorly too!
Finally, last year saw the introduction newest incarnation current Wordmark Logo featuring the same basic design elements described above but with an additional subtle shadow effect behind each letter making them stand out much better against the background plus an additional line connecting the bottom right corner "C" back up to top left one completing circle thus emphasizing circular motion inherent gamecock mascot's image even further! All these changes combined created a truly eye-catching emblem that is easily recognizable not just by students and alumni alike but everyone else who comes into contact with either online or offline mediums alike showing how powerful visual identity can be when done correctly!

Jacksonville State Gamecocks
2023 - Present
A double-lined wordmark "JAX STATE" in red with white highlights on a black-formed background.
Font: Custom

Jacksonville State Gamecocks
2023 - Present
A wordmark "JAX STATE" in red with white highlights on a black formed background.
Font: Custom

Jacksonville State Gamecocks
2002 - Present
A wordmark "GAMECOCKS" in red with white highlights on a black formed background.
Font: Custom

Jacksonville State Gamecocks
2002 - Present
A double lined wordmark "JACKSONVILLE STATE" in red with white highlights on a black formed background.
Font: Custom

Jacksonville State Gamecocks
2002 - Present
Initials "JSU" in red with white highlights and on a black formed background.
Font: Custom

Jacksonville State Gamecocks
2002 - Present
A wordmark "JACKSONVILLE" in red with white highlights on a black formed background.
Font: Custom