George Mason Patriots
A connected green with a gold trim initials “GM” above a black wordmark “GEORGE MASON” above smaller wordmark “ATHLETIC” in green. The “GM” monogram distinguishes the university as the world`s only university to use those initials in its logo.
Patriots Wordmark Logo
The George Mason Patriots have a long and storied history, and their wordmark logo is no exception. From its inception in the early 1970s to today’s modern iteration, the logo has evolved over time to reflect changing times while still maintaining its core elements – namely, a shield with “GMU” written inside of it.
The original design was created by an artist named Bill Dyer who worked for The Washington Post at the time. It featured two swords crossed behind a shield that held four stars on top of it. Inside this shield were three letters: G M U (George Mason University). This classic look remained unchanged until 1995 when then-athletic director Jack Kvancz decided he wanted something more modern looking for his teams' logos and uniforms.
He hired graphic designer Chris Craighead to create something new that would stand out from other collegiate logos across America at the time; what emerged was an updated version featuring cleaner lines but still keeping true to Dyer's original concept – two crossed swords behind a circular crest with four stars above it containing GMU within its center point - which remains as part of George Mason's official branding today!
This iconic logo is seen everywhere around Fairfax campus during game days or sporting events; from t-shirts worn by students all over town, banners hung up in Patriot Center arena or even just walking around campus you can spot this timeless symbol representing George Mason spirit! As we continue into 2021 we hope that our beloved Patriots will keep pushing forward towards success both on & off the field - all while proudly wearing their signature wordmark as they go forth into battle each day!

George Mason Patriots
2024 - Present
Arched double-lined wordmark "GEORGE MASON" in green.
Font: Industry Inc type

George Mason Patriots
2024 - Present
An arched wordmark "GEORGE MASON" in green.
Font: Industry Inc type

George Mason Patriots
2024 - Present
A wordmark "GEORGE MASON" in green.
Font: Industry Inc type

George Mason Patriots
2024 - Present
A scripted wordmark "Patriots" in green with a gold outline.
Font: Unknown

George Mason Patriots
2012 - 2017
A wordmark "MASON" in yellow with white trim on a green background and "PATRIOTS" in white on a black banner.
A new shade of gold.
Font: Unknown

George Mason Patriots
2004 - 2012
Wordmark "MASON" in yellow with white trim on a green background and "PATRIOTS" in white on a black banner.
Font: Unknown