UTEP Miners
A blue, grey and orange miner working with his pic axe in front of orange sun in the mountains over wordmark “UTEP” in blue with orange highlights and “MINERS” in orange.
Miners Wordmark Logo
The University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) is one of the most prestigious universities in the country and has a long history that dates back to its founding in 1914. Throughout its storied past, UTEP has had several different logos and wordmarks associated with it. Today, we’re going to take a look at some of those logos as well as the history behind them!
For over 50 years, from 1924 until 1976, UTEP used an orange letter “T” logo with white accents which were created by Professor J.R. Buford who also designed many other university symbols for institutions across Texas during this period including The University Of Texas At Austin and Baylor University among others. This iconic design became synonymous with the school itself due to its use on all official documents such as diplomas or certificates throughout this time frame but would eventually be replaced by another logo when new branding guidelines were implemented in 1977.
In 1977, UTEP unveiled its first-ever wordmark logo which featured bold block letters spelling out “MINERS” followed by smaller type underneath reading “University Of Texas At El Paso." This particular design was widely used for decades up until 2008 when it underwent minor changes such as adding gold highlights around each letter before being retired altogether after 2010 making way for yet another updated version known simply as "the pick."
The current UTEP Miners Wordmark Logo features two overlapping picks crossed together forming an upside-down triangle shape while still retaining much of what made previous iterations so recognizable: bold block letters spelling out MINERS along with smaller text beneath indicating where they are located - namely EL PASO TEXAS USA. While not quite reaching icon status like previous designs did, this modernized version does help bring attention back to one of America's oldest educational institutions while still staying true enough to tradition that alumni can recognize it without any trouble whatsoever!

UTEP Miners
1999 - Present
Wordmark "UTEP" in blue with orange highlights and "MINERS" in orange.

UTEP Miners
1999 - Present
Wordmark "LOS MINEROS DE" in orange and "UTEP" in blue with orange highlights.