Providence Friars
A friar facing to the right is dressed in black.
Friars Wordmark Logo
The Providence Friars wordmark logo is an iconic symbol of the school’s rich history. It has been used on everything from t-shirts to banners, and it serves as a reminder of the legacy that this university holds. The logo was first created in 1932 when the college changed its name from Rhode Island College of Education to Providence College. At that time, they adopted a new seal and mascot – a friar – which became known as “Friar Dom” or “Brother Dominic” after St. Dominic de Guzman, founder of the Dominican Order in 1216 AD who believed strongly in education for all people regardless of their social status or gender identity.
Since then, there have been several iterations of Friar Dom's design over time including different colors and fonts used throughout its lifespan; however, one thing remains constant: his head covering with three stars representing faith (God), hope (Providence), and charity (love). Additionally, he carries two books - one open representing knowledge gained through study while another closed stands for wisdom acquired by experience - both essential components for success at any level!
Today's version includes updated typography that reflects modern times but still preserves some elements from original designs like star shapes around the words "Providence" & "Friars". Whether you are an alumnus looking back fondly at your days spent studying under Brother Dominic or just someone appreciating the artistry behind it; this beloved logo will always remain synonymous with the excellence & tradition that comes along with being part associated with such a prestigious institution like Providence College!

Providence Friars
2002 - Present
Wordmark "FRIARS" in white on a black background.
Font: Unknown

Providence Friars
2002 - Present
Wordmark "PROVIDENCE" in white on a black background.
Font: Unknown

Providence Friars
2002 - 2017
Wordmark "PROVIDENCE" in white on a black background and "FRIARS" in black on a grey background.
Font: Unknown

Providence Friars
2002 - 2017
Wordmark "PROVIDENCE" in white on a black background and "COLLEGE" in black on a grey background.
Font: Unknown