IUPUI Jaguars
A jaguar’s head in gold, black, red, and white facing to the left above the initials “IUPUI” in maroon.
Jaguars Wordmark Logo
The IUPUI Jaguars have a long and storied history, and their wordmark logo is no exception. The first iteration of the logo was designed in 1998 by former IUPUI athletic director Bob Griese. It featured an abstract jaguar head with two eyes peering out from behind the university's initials: "IU" on top, "P" for Purdue University Indianapolis below it, and "U I" on either side to represent Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis.
In 2004, a new logo was created, including more traditional elements, like stripes along its sides to signify motion and power, and a giant jaguar head with more detailed features like whiskers and fur patterns. This design has been used ever since but underwent minor updates in 2008 when additional details were added around the eyes; again in 2011 when subtle changes were made to make it appear three-dimensional; then one final time in 2018 when some shading effects were introduced into some regions of the design for more excellent depth perception.
For sports fans who want to show off their school spirit while celebrating its rich heritage, there’s no better way than proudly displaying this iconic wordmark logo! Whether you're wearing apparel featuring this classic symbol or simply having it printed onto something special like your laptop or car window decal – you can be sure that everyone will know exactly which team you support!

IUPUI Jaguars
2017 - Present
Arched initials "IUPUI" and a wordmark "JAGUARS" in red.
Font: Unknown

IUPUI Jaguars
2017 - Present
Initials "IUPUI" and a wordmark "JAGUARS" in red.
Font: Unknown

IUPUI Jaguars
2007 - 2017
Initials "IUPUI" in black and a top arched wordmark "JAGUARS" in a gradient red and gold with black trim.
Font: Custom

IUPUI Jaguars
2007 - 2017
A slanted wordmark "JAGUARS" in a gradient red and gold with black trim and the initials "IUPUI" in black.
Font: Custom

IUPUI Jaguars
1998 - 2007
A arched wordmark "JAGUARS" in red with gold trim and the arched initials "IUPIU" in gold on a black background.
Created by SME Branding from New York.
Font: Custom