Kansas Jayhawks
Right-facing Jayhawk in blue, red, and yellow wearing shoes and “KU” on the chest. Change to the shade of blue and a new font Trajan typeface.
Jayhawks Primary Logo
The Kansas Jayhawks have a long and storied history in college sports, and their primary logo is no exception. The original design was created by Henry Maloy in 1912 for the school's basketball team. It featured an interlocking “KU” with a daisy beneath it, representing the state of Kansas' official flower at the time. This design remained largely unchanged until 1949 when it was updated to include two wings on either side of the lettering – symbolizing strength and power – along with a banner reading "Kansas" across its base.
Since then, there have been several modifications made to this iconic image over the years; most notably in 1996 when artist Jim Wilcox redesigned it once again to give more prominence to both letters while also introducing curved lines within them which were meant to represent motion as well as speed - something that has become synonymous with KU athletics ever since then! In addition, colors such as red (for passion), blue (for loyalty) & yellow/gold (for excellence) were added into the mix to create an even stronger visual impact that would stand out from other schools' logos around the country today!
Overall, despite all changes throughout decades, one thing remains constant: The Kansas Jayhawks Primary Logo will always be recognized for its strong symbolism & timeless look that captures the spirit university perfectly every single time someone sees or hears about them anywhere worldwide!

Kansas Jayhawks
1946 - 2006
A jayhawk in blue with yellow shoes and white "KU" on it's chest walking to the right.

Kansas Jayhawks
1941 - 1946
A blue jayhawk with "KU" in white on his chest facing to the left.
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