IUPUI Jaguars
A jaguar’s head in gold, black, red, and white facing to the left above the initials “IUPUI” in maroon.
Jaguars Primary Logo
Since the IUPUI Jaguars first took to the field in 2004, their primary logo has been a source of pride and identity for sports fans. The iconic jaguar head, with its fierce stare and muscular body, is instantly recognizable as part of IUPUI's history. But many don't know that this logo has gone through several iterations over the years, each making it more unique and representative of not only IUPUI but also Indianapolis itself.
The original design featured a blue-eyed jaguar head on a black background, with white stripes running along both sides of its face - an homage to Indiana’s state flag, which features three stars above two stripes. This version was used from 2004 until 2008, when it underwent some minor changes, namely removing the eyes from the design while keeping everything else intact – including adding “IUPUI” written out in white letters below it all (which had previously been absent).
In 2009, another significant change was made: instead of just having two horizontal lines beside its face, there were now four vertical lines extending up into points at either side - symbolizing strength and power - as well as giving off an almost crown-like look to signify royalty or dominance within athletics competitions! Additionally, “JAGUARS” replaced “IUPUI” underneath so people would be sure who they were cheering for no matter where they saw this logo displayed around campus or beyond!
Finally 2012, another alteration occurred: replacing those four vertical lines with five curved ones resembling claws coming outwards toward viewers – emphasizing even further how powerful these athletes can be when competing against other teams across America! These days, you will find this exact image being worn proudly by students/alumni/fans alike whenever they attend games at any venue around town, proving just how timelessly classic yet modernly stylish such simple elements like colors & shapes can become over time if done right…making everyone proud that their beloved school mascot stands tall amongst others throughout collegiate athletics today!.

IUPUI Jaguars
2007 - 2017
A newly designed jaguar in red, black, white and orange in front of silver and black shield and above a plaque in white with red and black trim wordmark "JAGUARS" in red with black trim and the initials "IUPUI" in black.

IUPUI Jaguars
1998 - 2007
Initials "IUPUI" in red and a wordmark "JAGUARS" in red with gold trim above a crawling jaguar with teeth out in gold, black, red and white.
Created by SME Branding from New York.

IUPUI Metros
1972 - 1998
A slanted scripted wordmark "Metros" in red.
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