Washington State Cougars
Crimson letters “WSU” in the shape of a cougars head.
Cougars Primary Logo
The Washington State Cougars have a long and storied history, dating back to 1892 when the school was first established. Throughout the years, their iconic logo has been modified and redesigned multiple times in order to reflect changes in the university’s culture as well as advancements in technology.
The original design of the primary logo featured an image of a cougar with its mouth wide open howling at something offscreen. This design was used from 1907 until 1960 when it underwent its first major redesign; this time featuring a more realistic-looking cougar that had both ears visible and seemed to be looking directly ahead instead of off into space like before. The current version is based on this same concept but features much more detailed artwork that reflects modern graphic design techniques such as shading and contouring for added depth.
Over time, each iteration of Washington State Cougars' primary logos has become increasingly sophisticated while still remaining true to its roots by keeping some elements consistent throughout all designs (such as having two ears). Through these modifications, they have created an instantly recognizable symbol that represents not only their athletic teams but also serves as an important part of their overall identity within college sports culture today!

Washington State Cougars
1964 - 1995
A silhouette of a crimson cougar's head.

Washington State Cougars
1953 - 1955
A golden cougar growling on a golden football.

Washington State Cougars
1956 - 1964
A growling cougar's head in black trim and a red tongue.
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