Southern Jaguars
Initials “SU” in white with yellow highlights on a light blue background.
Jaguars Primary Logo
The Southern Jaguars' primary logo has a long and proud history in the world of NCAA athletics. The original version was designed by former University President, Dr. Ronald Mason Jr., in 2003 as part of an effort to create a more unified visual identity for the school’s athletic teams. This initial design featured an image of two jaguars facing each other with their tails intertwined, representing strength and unity within the university community.
Since then, minor changes have been made to this iconic logo over time as it has become increasingly associated with Southern Jaguars athletics - from updated colors to new font styles - but its core elements remain intact today just as they did when first created almost twenty years ago! In addition to appearing on uniforms and merchandise for all sports teams at Southern University, this popular emblem is also seen regularly at various sporting events held both on campus and throughout Louisiana where it serves not only as a symbol of pride but also recognition for one’s alma mater or favorite team alike!
Clearly, there is much more than meets the eye when looking into what makes up such an important part of college sports culture: that being said however; no matter how many times it may be tweaked or changed down through generations – ultimately what will always remain true about “the Jaguar Logo” are its strong ties back home here at our beloved institution known simply enough…as SOUTHERN JAGUARS PRIMARY LOGO HISTORY NCAA!

Southern Jaguars
2001 - 2016
Jaguar's head is yellow, white, and blue.

Southern Jaguars
1993 - 2001
Left-facing jaguar's head in yellow, white, and blue.

Southern Jaguars
1985 - 1993
Front facing jaguar with mouth wide open walking towards you in yellow, black, and red.
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