Arkansas Razorbacks
A running red and black Razorback.
Razorbacks Primary Logo
The Arkansas Razorbacks are a college team that represents the University of Arkansas. The iconic logo for the team has been around since 1909 and is known as one of the most recognizable logos in all of the sports. It features a red-and-white hog with its head facing forward, tusks bared, and ready to charge. This logo has become synonymous with not only Razorback athletics but also with the state itself, representing both strength and pride in their home state.
The history behind this classic symbol goes back to 1909 when former coach Hugo Bezdek referred to his players as “a wild band of razorback hogs” after they pulled off an upset victory over LSU (Louisiana State University). After that game, students began wearing small piggy banks on strings around their necks while chanting “Woo Pig Sooie!” which eventually became part of school spirit traditions at games ever since then.
In 1910, designer John Gresham drew up what would become today's primary logo for Arkansas' teams: an aggressive-looking boar standing upright on two legs surrounded by three stars above it - one each for academic excellence, athletic success, and character development; these values still stand today among student-athletes who proudly wear this symbol across their chests during competition or training alike! The image was so powerful that it quickly spread throughout campus becoming synonymous with university pride everywhere you look from banners hung outside dorms or classrooms down through tailgating events before every big game day - no matter where you go there will always be someone sporting some form showing support for our beloved Hogs!

Arkansas Razorbacks
2001 - 2014
A running red and black Razorback.

Arkansas Razorbacks
1967 - 2001
A running red and black Razorback.

Arkansas Razorbacks
1955 - 1967
A running red and black Razorback.

Arkansas Razorbacks
1947 - 1955
A fast running red and black Razorback.

Arkansas Razorbacks
1938 - 1947
A running red and black Razorback.

Arkansas Razorbacks
1931 - 1938
A running red and black Razorback.
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The Power of Razorbacks’ Logo Unleashed: An Unparalleled Success Against LSU Tigers!
Unprecedented Success Against LSU Tigers - Made With Clipchamp! Dive into the power of the Razorbacks’ logo with this thrilling video! Witness how the Razorbacks conquered the LSU Tigers in an epic showdown. Join us as we explore the strategies, the adrenaline, and the glory of this unparalleled triumph!