Houston Oilers
1980 - 1996
The final logo for the Oilers is a clean blue oil derrick with a white background and a red outline.
Oilers Wordmark Logo
The Houston Oilers were a professional American football team that played in the National Football League from 1960-1996. The team was based out of Houston, Texas, and had some memorable moments throughout their thirty-six-year history. One of the most iconic aspects of this franchise is its logo and wordmark, which have remained relatively unchanged since its inception in 1960.
The original design for the logo featured an oil derrick with two crossed flags behind it and a large "Oilers" script lettering above it all. This classic look has been used by fans to represent not only the city but also as a symbol of pride within Texas over many decades since then. The colors chosen initially were navy blue, Columbia blue, red and white; however they changed slightly when they moved to Tennessee in 1997, becoming more teal green instead of navy blue while still keeping other elements such as red stripes along with white accents on either side of the wordmark “Oilers.”
Throughout its existence, there have been many variations to this classic design, like using different fonts or changing the space between each lettering. Still, regardless, these changes never strayed too far away from what made them recognizable as one entity: representing both prideful Texans who loved their teams no matter where they went or stayed put! Whether you are an old fan looking back at memories or someone just getting into NFL football today – one thing will remain true: that timeless Oilers Wordmark Logo will always be remembered fondly by those who knew what it meant during its time here in Houston!

Houston Oilers
1980 - 1996
Wordmark "OILERS" in light blue, white and red.
Font: Unknown

Houston Oilers
1972 - 1979
Wordmark "OILERS" in dark blue, white and red.
Font: Unknown

Houston Oilers
1968 - 1971
Single lined wordmark "OILERS" in dark blue.
Font: Unknown

Houston Oilers
1960 - 1971
Double lined wordmark "HOUSTON OILERS" in blue with the letter "H" shaped like goalposts and a football in place of the letter "O."
Font: Unknown