Washington Redskins
1983 - 2020
A simplified, modernized form of the native American head inside a yellow circle, with two feathers attached to it. This logo is the same logo as the 1972 logo.
Redskins Wordmark Logo
The Washington Redskins wordmark logo has a long and storied history. It is one of the most recognizable logos in all professional sports and serves as an essential symbol for the team itself and its fans.
The first iteration of the logo was designed in 1937 when George Preston Marshall founded the team, originally known as The Boston Braves. The original design featured a Native American profile with two feathers behind his headset against a yellow background with red trimming around it. This version remained unchanged until 1971 when Marshall changed the name to “Redskins” after moving them to Washington D.C., at which point he also redesigned their logo; this time featuring an Indian chief wearing a full feathered war bonnet set against an orange background with white trimming around it - similar to what we know today but without any text accompanying it yet. In 1972, they added “Washington” written above in sizeable bold font followed by “Redskins” beneath that same font style – creating what is now considered their official wordmark logo used on everything from jerseys to hats.
Over time, the Redskins have made minor adjustments such as changing colors or adding subtle details like stars or stripes next to each letter but kept much of its original design intact throughout decades worth of changes within NFL team's logos across leagues. Even though there are other more popular football teams out there right now, this iconic mark still stands out among others due not only to being one oldest active marks still used today but also because of how deeply rooted culture & tradition make up part of the fabric that makes DC unique place live to visit alike!

Washington Redskins
1972 - 2020
Wordmark "REDSKINS" in maroon.
Font: TS Napoli ExtraBold by Morris Fuller Benton & Pythagoras

Washington Redskins
1972 - 2020
Wordmark "REDSKINS" in yellow.
Font: TS Napoli ExtraBold by Morris Fuller Benton & Pythagoras