Buffalo Bills
The standing bison logo was replaced by a blue charging buffalo with a red slanting stripe streaming from its horn. The newer emblem, which is still the primary one used by the franchise, was designed by aerospace designer Stevens Wright in 1974.
Bills Wordmark Logo
The Buffalo Bills’ iconic wordmark logo has been a team staple for over 50 years. It was first introduced in 1962 and has undergone several iterations since then, but its basic design remains unchanged. The original logo featured the words “Buffalo Bills” written in white letters on a blue circle with red trim, while later versions added stars around the outside of the circle to give it more flair. The current version features an updated font that gives it a modern look while still paying homage to its classic roots.
Since 1962, when Ralph Wilson Jr. founded what would become one of the professional sports' most successful franchises ever -the Buffalo Bills – their instantly recognizable wordmark Logo featuring 'Bills' surrounded by stars had remained intact despite minor changes over time, staying true throughout history even during times when success wasn't so easy for them (like now). But no matter how tough things get for them as we advance, they can always take pride knowing they've got an iconic brand image that will never fade away!

Buffalo Bills
2011 - Present
Wordmark "BILLS" in bold red.
Slight difference in the font.
Font: ddbillsfan

Buffalo Bills
2011 - Present
Wordmark "BILLS" in bold blue.
Slight difference in the font.
Font: ddbillsfan

Buffalo Bills
1974 - 2010
Wordmark "BILLS" in bold red.
Font: ddbillsfan

Buffalo Bills
1974 - 2010
Wordmark "BILLS" in bold blue.
Font: ddbillsfan