Washington Football Team
2020 - 2022
Custom font yellow letter "W." The letter "W" represents the city name of Washington D.C.
Washington FT Alternate Logo
The Washington Football Team is one of the oldest teams in the National Football League, and its history dates back to 1932. Throughout history, the team has had several alternate logos used for various occasions or promotions. The first alternate logo was introduced in 1969 when Hall of Fame coach George Allen took over as head coach and general manager of the team. This logo featured a white football with red laces and three stars above it, representing DC’s motto, “Out Of Many One,” which was taken from President John F Kennedy's inaugural address in 1961.
In 1999, another alternate logo debuted featuring an eagle wearing a helmet holding a football while perching atop two crossed swords behind him; this design represented strength and courage during wartime conflicts like World War II, where many brave soldiers fought for our country, including those who served on behalf of Washington Dc itself at home & abroad. In 2011 yet another new look came out showcasing an American bald eagle carrying an American flag with his wings spread wide open; this symbolized patriotism and pride within America as well as being loyal to your home state/country no matter what challenges may come your way both now & into future generations alike!
Today, several different versions of these logos are available depending on which era you want to represent or just show off some hometown pride! No matter what version you choose, though, they all share common themes such as loyalty towards one's nation/state plus strength & courage even when faced with adversity - something that will always remain true regardless if we're talking about sports teams or not! All in all, these multiple variations highlight how much time has passed since their inception and remind us why we love cheering them on so much year after year despite any changes made along their journey thus far...
Washington Football Team
2020 - 2022
Officially designated as a tertiary logo, the Washington Football Team uses this roundel-style logo featuring a gold W inside a burgundy circle with WASHINGTON FOOTBALL TEAM written around it in gold.