Dallas Texans
1951 - 1952
The original Texan's logo featured a yellow football player straight arming while running with the football. A wordmark "DALLAS TEXANS" in yellow on a square purple background.
Texans Primary Logo
The Dallas Texans (Colts) primary logo has become a symbol of the team’s long and storied history. The original design was created in 1960 when the franchise joined the American Football League. The logo featured an interlocking “D” and “T” with a white star in between them, set against a blue background. This classic design has endured over time to become one of professional football's most recognizable logos today.
In 1963, after relocating from Dallas to Baltimore for their third season as part of an AFL-NFL merger agreement, the Colts changed their name from "Dallas Texans" to "Baltimore Colts." As part of this transition, they also tweaked their iconic logo slightly, replacing the blue background with orange and adding two additional stars on either side - bringing its total number up to five - while keeping all other elements intact. Additionally, they changed out both lettering styles used for each half of the interlocking letters: switching out the Old English typeface used for a more modern font style instead.
Today this exact version is still being widely utilized by fans around the country and the organization itself – making it not only one of the most enduring images of sports but also a unique representation city that began its journey nearly sixty years ago! Although many things have changed since then, including the location name under which play games every Sunday, nothing can take away nostalgia associated with these simple yet powerful symbols that continue to represent team spirit and pride no matter how far away they may be geographically speaking or otherwise!
Dallas Texans
1951 - 1952
The original Texan's logo featured a yellow football player straight arming while running with the football. A wordmark "DALLAS TEXANS" in yellow on a square purple background.