Minneapolis Lakers
1948 - 1960
The first logo of the Lakers was back when the team was in Minneapolis. The logo has a map of Minnesota in white on a brown and black outline basketball as a background and the location of Minneapolis is highlighted by a yellow star. A wordmark "MPLS" in yellow with two stars and "LAKERS" below in yellow.
Lakers Primary Logo
The Minneapolis Lakers are a professional basketball team that has been around since 1947. They have had an iconic logo throughout their history, which is recognized all over the world. The primary logo of the Lakers has gone through several iterations over time, with each version representing something unique about the team and its city. In this essay, we will explore how the primary logo of the Minneapolis Lakers has changed throughout its history and what it represents today.
The first iteration of the Minneapolis Lakers’ primary logo was introduced in 1949 when they moved to Los Angeles from Minnesota after winning five championships in six years as part of the National Basketball League (NBL). This original design featured an image of a lake surrounded by mountains on either side with “Lakers” written across it in white lettering on top and bottom respectively. From thereon out, slight changes were made to this classic look but overall remained relatively unchanged until 1967 when they updated their branding for modern times by introducing purple into their color palette alongside yellow gold trimming along with adding more intricate details like stars above each mountain peak as well as outlining them both within black borders giving off more depth than before while still keeping true to its roots making sure people knew who you were rooting for at any given game or event!
Today, even though some minor adjustments have been made such as changing up font size or style here and there; ultimately stay loyal to what makes them stand apart from other teams: Their signature purple & gold colors accompanied by detailed images that can be seen far away no matter where one stands! It's become synonymous not only among fans but also those outside looking at these beloved franchises due largely thanks to recognition gained during legendary showdowns against arch-rival Boston Celtics back early 2000s era - something many remember fondly whenever see two sides faceoff again soon enough hopefully sometime near future! All-in-all no matter how much things change over time one thing remains the same: That proud proud symbol proudly displayed courtside every single night showing everyone just exactly who holds court - The mighty mighty LAKERS!

Minneapolis Lakers
1948 - 1960
The first logo of the Lakers was back when the team was in Minneapolis. The logo has a map of Minnesota in white on a brown and black outline basketball as a background and the location of Minneapolis is highlighted by a yellow star. A wordmark "MPLS" in yellow with two stars and "LAKERS" below in yellow.