Chicago Packers
1961 - 1962
The Packers original logo in 1962, a black outline of a bull's head on a brown basketball.
Packers Primary Logo
The Chicago Packers' primary logo is a symbol of success and perseverance. It has come to represent the team’s commitment to excellence on and off the court. The iconic green-and-yellow design was first introduced in 1961 when the franchise was known as the Chicago Zephyrs. At that time, it featured an abstract basketball with wings on either side of it – a clear nod to its namesake bird, which is native to Illinois.
Over time, this classic logo underwent several changes before finally settling into what we know today: a stylized “C” for “Chicago” surrounded by five stars representing each division title won by the team since then (1961–63). In addition, two yellow lines were added at either end of it in 1993 – one for every championship won during that period (1996 & 1998). This simple yet powerful image has become synonymous with not only professional basketball but also sportsmanship and resilience throughout America's heartland city.
Today this beloved emblem stands proudly atop all official merchandise associated with Chicago Packer fans across North America; from t-shirts and hats down jackets or even mugs - no matter where you go there will be someone wearing their favorite team's colors! This timeless classic serves as more than just an identifier but also acts as a reminder that hard work can pay off if you stay true to your goals no matter how difficult they may seem at times!

Chicago Packers
1961 - 1962
The Packers original logo in 1962, a black outline of a bull's head on a brown basketball.