Chicago Zephyrs
1962 - 1963
The new team called Zephyrs would feature a wordmark "Zephyrs" in gold with a white and black outline diagonally. The letters are streaking to symbolize wind.
Zephyrs Primary Logo
The Chicago Zephyrs are a professional basketball team based in Windy City. They have been around since 1967 and their primary logo has gone through many iterations over the years. This essay will explore some of the histories behind this iconic logo, from its inception to its current design.
The original Chicago Zephyrs logo was designed by Saul Bass in 1967 and featured a simple silhouette of an eagle with wings spread wide against a navy blue background with white accents. The eagle had two stars above it, which represented the state of Illinois as well as America’s military strength at that time. This classic design lasted for almost three decades until 1995 when it was replaced by an updated version featuring more vibrant colors and sharper lines that better reflected modern sensibilities about sports logos at that time.
Today, however, fans can still recognize elements from both versions of this beloved emblem on every jersey worn by players or seen on merchandise sold throughout Chicagoland area stores: namely two stars above an abstracted bird shape set against bright yellow-orange background surrounded by navy blue trimming. As such, the Chicago zephyr's primary Logo is not only steeped in history but also serves as a reminder to all those who see it how far they've come since their beginning back in 1967!

Chicago Zephyrs
1962 - 1963
The new team called Zephyrs would feature a wordmark "Zephyrs" in gold with a white and black outline diagonally. The letters are streaking to symbolize wind.