Atlanta Thrashers
2000 - 2011
The original Thrashers logo featured a brown thrasher, who is actually Georgia’s state bird. This logo is a Brown Thrasher holding a hockey stick inside a navy blue and light blue shield.
Thrashers Wordmark Logo
The Atlanta Thrashers were an NHL franchise that existed from 1999 to 2011. During their 12 seasons in the league, they had a unique logo and wordmark that was very recognizable among hockey fans. The primary feature of the logo was a large "A" with wings on either side and two crossed tomahawks beneath it, representing both the team name and its location in Georgia's capital city. The wordmark featured bold block letters spelling out "Atlanta Thrashers" with each letter tilted slightly outward for emphasis.
The design of this logo has been well-received by many hockey fans over the years due to its simple yet powerful look which conveys strength and speed simultaneously - something which is crucial for any successful sports team's branding efforts! Additionally, it also represents both local pride (the inclusion of state symbols) as well as national recognition (being part of an NHL franchise). This combination makes it one of the most iconic logos in all professional sports history despite being used only during one short stint in league play before disappearing forever when relocation occurred after the 2011 season ended prematurely due to financial issues within the ownership group at a time.
From these reasons alone we can see why Atlanta Thrasher’s Wordmark Logo will always be remembered fondly by those who followed them while they played or simply appreciate great design work regardless of where found! It stands out among other logos because not only does it have strong symbolism behind every element but also looks aesthetically pleasing when viewed up close or far away – making sure everyone knows what team you’re supporting no matter how far away the game may be taking place from home base stadium located downtown near Centennial Olympic Park area originally opened back 1998 year prior formation squad itself came about later on the down road leading upstart 2000/01 campaign involving 30 teams across North America continent today still going strong even without presence former Georgian based organization anymore unfortunately though...

Atlanta Thrashers
2009 - 2011
Single lined arched wordmark "THRASHERS" in yellow with a blue trim and white highlights.
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Atlanta Thrashers
2000 - 2011
Brown thrasher bird holding hockey stick inside blue shape shield with team wordmark below "ATLANTA" on top in orange with yellow trim and "THRASHERS" in blue with yellow trim.
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Atlanta Thrashers
2000 - 2011
Wordmark "ATLANTA" on top in orange with yellow trim and "THRASHERS" in blue with yellow trim.
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