Florida Marlins
1993 - 2011
The Marlin's first logo consisted of a marlin jumping out of a silver circle with a black trim and the wordmark “FLORIDA MARLINS,” also a baseball in the background. It was unveiled in July 1991.
Marlins Primary Logo
The Florida Marlins have a long and storied history with their primary logo. Since its inception in 1993, the team has gone through several iterations of its iconic “M” mark, as well as other logos that represent the team's identity. The original logo was designed by legendary artist Tom Bertsch and featured an orange "M" outlined in teal with a white baseball inside it. This design quickly became synonymous with the Marlins' brand and remains one of the most recognizable logos in all of the professional sports today.
In 1997, after winning two World Series titles under this classic design, they decided to tweak it slightly by adding an extra line above each letter to make them look more three-dimensional while also emphasizing their connection to Miami’s vibrant culture at that time period. They continued using this version until 2012 when they unveiled yet another new logo featuring an updated font style for both “Florida” and “Marlins” along with a sunburst pattern behind them - further reinforcing Miami's sunny climate while still maintaining some familiarity from previous designs which helped maintain consistency within fans across generations who had grown up watching games at Pro Player Stadium (now known as Hard Rock Stadium).
Today marks nearly 30 years since first debuting their now beloved primary logo; however, despite various updates over time there is no denying its importance not only for those associated directly or indirectly but also just how much recognition it holds amongst casual sports fans alike due largely because of its unique colors & shape – something few teams can replicate without having similar results! As such we can expect these same visuals to continue representing Florida Marlins into the foreseeable future regardless of what changes may come about organizationally speaking down the road ahead!

Florida Marlins
1993 - 2011
The Marlin's first logo consisted of a marlin jumping out of a silver circle with a black trim and the wordmark “FLORIDA MARLINS,” also a baseball in the background. It was unveiled in July 1991.