Florida Marlins
1993 - 2011
The Marlins first logo consisted of a marlin jumping out of a silver circle with a black trim and a wordmark “FLORIDA MARLINS,” also a baseball in the background. It was unveiled in July 1991.
Marlins Wordmark Logo
The Florida Marlins, a professional baseball team based in Miami, have had an iconic logo since its inception in 1993. The original logo featured the marlin fish leaping out of the water with a flaming orange sun behind it. This design was intended to represent the spirit and energy of South Florida and its vibrant culture. Over time, this classic logo has undergone several changes as new ownership took over and rebranded the team multiple times.
In 2012, when Jeffrey Loria became the owner of the franchise he changed both its name to “Miami Marlins” and its logos drastically; replacing them with more modern designs featuring black silhouettes instead of bright colors or cartoonish graphics like those found on previous versions. The primary mark for this era consisted simply of a stylized “M” made up of two curved lines that intersected at an angle; representing both Miami's skyline as well as waves crashing against each other—a nod towards South Florida's beachfront location.
In 2018 yet another change occurred when Derek Jeter purchased a majority stake in the club: He reverted back to the "Florida" moniker for the team name (which is why the current official wordmark reads: "FLORIDA MARLINS") but kept the same design elements from the prior iteration - including simplified M shape - albeit slightly tweaked color palette which now includes teal blue & navy blue hues alongside traditional white & orange ones used before his arrival. As result, while the latest version might not be the most memorable one ever created, it still manages to capture the essence of what being part Marlin family means Prideful tradition combined with forward-thinking innovation that will help propel the organization into a future success!

Florida Marlins
1993 - 2011
Wordmark "MARLINS" in teal with black outline and tail from the letter "S" wraps below.
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