Anaheim Angels
2002 - 2004
A "Big A" in red with white trim and a silver halo, over a dark blue baseball diamond with white, silver and red trim. The letter "A" represents the city of Anaheim.
Same as the Anaheim Angels final primary logo in 2004, without the wordmark.
Angels Alternate Logo
The Anaheim Angels have had a long and storied history of alternate logos, starting with their original logo in 1961. This logo featured an angel holding a baseball bat surrounded by the words "Anaheim Angels." The team kept this logo until 1965 when they changed it to feature an orange halo behind the same angel figure. In 1997, the team introduced the first major redesign of its alternate logos which included two versions: one featuring an interlocking “AA” design and another featuring a more traditional-looking angel with wings spread out wide.
In 2002, after much fanfare and anticipation from fans around Major League Baseball (MLB), the Anaheim Angels unveiled their new primary and secondary logos for that season; both were designed by sports artist Todd Radom who is known for his work on various MLB teams' branding efforts over his career. Both designs featured updated takes on classic angels imagery including wings spread out wide as well as halos above each version's head respectively while still maintaining some elements from past iterations like color schemes or fonts used in previous years' designs such as navy blue lettering instead of red or yellow-colored text like before.
Today, these two redesigned looks are still popular among fans today but there have been several other minor updates since then including changing up colors used within certain parts of either design such as going back to using a white background instead of black or adding silver accents throughout different parts depending on what year it was being released at any given time period; however no matter how many times they change things up though all variations remain instantly recognizable due to how iconic these images are now associated with not only just Anaheim itself but also professional baseball in general thanks largely due to their success over recent decades despite having gone through so many changes during that span too!
Anaheim Angels
2002 - 2004
A "Big A" in red with white trim and a silver halo, over a dark blue baseball diamond with white, silver and red trim. The letter "A" represents the city of Anaheim.
Same as the Anaheim Angels final primary logo in 2004, without the wordmark.

Anaheim Angels
1997 - 2001
A white with light blue trim angel wing attached to the red "A" with white and dark blue trim. This logo comes right from the Disney movie "Angels in the Outfield." The letter "A" represents the city of Anaheim.
A part of the primary logo. Removed the green and yellow baseball diamond as the background. Removed the periwinkle plate, crossed bats and the scripted wordmark "ANGELS."

Anaheim Angels
1997 - 2001
Wordmark "ANAHEIM" in gold with dark blue trim on top of a powder blue "A" with gold and white halo.