San Diego Padres
For the 2020 season, the Padres unveiled a new color for their primary logo, featuring the interlocked initials “SD” in brown.
Padres Wordmark Logo
In 2004, after almost 25 years without any major changes to its logo, San Diego decided to update its look once again by introducing what is now known as “the Swinging Friar” wordmark design. This new version features an even more detailed illustration of a friar swinging his bat with flames surrounding him on either side; this symbolizes both power and passion for baseball that has become synonymous with Padre fans over time! Additionally, this mark also includes two different fonts: one for “Padres” at the top which is bolder than the bottom font used for “San Diego” making sure that each element stands out from one other visually creating a balance between them altogether.
Today's version remains largely unchanged since then except for slight color alterations throughout seasons but still conveys the same message: strength through unity & passion towards baseball games! With so many iconic logos across sports leagues worldwide, it can be hard to stand out amongst others but thanks creative minds behind the current mark we can proudly say our beloved team's visual identity is truly a unique & timeless piece of artistry representing the city itself perfectly - Go Padres!!

San Diego Padres
2020 - Present
Arched wordmark "PADRES" in brown with yellow trim.
Font: RT Dyans Basic

San Diego Padres
2020 - Present
Arched wordmark "SAN DIEGO" in brown with yellow trim.
Font: RT Dyans Basic

San Diego Padres
2020 - Present
Wordmark "PADRES" in brown with yellow trim.
Font: RT Dyans Basic

San Diego Padres
2020 - Present
Wordmark "SAN DIEGO" in brown with yellow trim.
Font: RT Dyans Basic

San Diego Padres
2012 - 2019
Wordmark "Padres" in blue and sand script with an underline.
Font: Custom

San Diego Padres
2004 - 2011
Double lined wordmark "SAN DIEGO" in sky blue above a "Padres" script in sand and navy with a tail.
Font: Custom

San Diego Padres
1991 - 2003
Wordmark "PADRES" script sloped in navy with orange outline.
Font: Custom

San Diego Padres
1991 - 2003
Wordmark "PADRES" script sloped in blue with orange outline between another wordmark "SAN DIEGO BASEBALL CLUB."
Font: Custom

San Diego Padres
1978 - 1990
Double lined wordmark "padres" in yellow lowercase with "SAN DIEGO" in brown above.
Font: Custom