MetroStars Primary Logo
The New York/New Jersey MetroStars Primary Logo History is an interesting and unique story. The club's original logo, which was introduced in 1996 when the team first entered Major League Soccer (MLS), featured a red-and-black shield with a soccer ball in the center surrounded by stars. This design was inspired by the iconic flag of New Jersey and symbolized strength, passion, and tradition for all those involved with the organization.
In 2000, after four years of using this initial logo as its primary emblem, it underwent its first major redesign – one that would become synonymous with MetroStars identity throughout much of its history: a black shield featuring five white stars at each corner along with two red stripes on top to represent both states where they play - New York & New Jersey - while also paying homage to their home stadium at Giants Stadium located within East Rutherford NJ. This new look quickly became popular among fans who adopted it as part of their own personal identities over time due to how closely associated they were becoming attached emotionally to this particular crest design!
Finally in 2015 after nearly twenty years since introducing that classic ‘MetroStars’ look back into MLS culture once again came another complete overhaul from Red Bull – now owners since 2006 – bringing forth yet another modernized version but still keeping many elements from before such as those same five white stars which have been present ever since inception representing unity between players past & present alike! With so much change happening around them during these times too like relocating venues multiple times or even changing names briefly here, there are few things more constant than what can be seen proudly displayed across jerseys every match day: namely being none other than that beloved NY/NJ MetroStars Primary Logo we know today...a lasting reminder not only about how far soccer has come within our nation but also just how powerful symbols can be when used correctly!
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New York/New Jersey MetroStars
A red with a black and orange trim letter “M” shaped like a lightning bolt. Above the letter is a black and great NY cityscape and wordmark positioned on the letter “METROSTARS” in white.